Survey – A new Biosecurity Bill for South Australia
This survey provides an opportunity for stakeholders to provide feedback on the draft Biosecurity Bill. The draft Bill consolidates and improves upon existing biosecurity legislation in the State to provide a consistent approach to managing biosecurity risks and impacts. It also proposes new concepts underpinning a contemporary and flexible approach to biosecurity to ensure that the legislation can continue to provide for the management of rapidly changing and emerging biosecurity risks into the future.
The information sheet, Bill overview, and explanatory guide provide detailed explanations to assist stakeholders in understanding the intent of the Bill and to help inform feedback and comments. You may also wish to refer to the draft Bill.
The survey has been designed to collect feedback on the draft Bill in two ways:
- a 5-point rating scale to measure levels of stakeholder support for provisions in the draft Bill
- a comment box to provide any additional comments.
When completing the survey:
- simply select the relevant options. If you wish, please provide any general comments in the comment boxes provided
- you can skip giving a ranking for those questions where you are unsure or otherwise don’t wish to answer. However, you are still welcome to include comments - for example, stating why you are unsure
- allow at least 20 minutes if you intend to answer all the questions.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
0% answered