Northern Eyre Health Care - Stakeholder Input - Health Services and Professionals

A new, innovative model of primary health care is being trialled within the Northern Eyre Peninsula region, encompassing the six areas of Elliston, Streaky Bay, Wudinna, Kimba, Cleve and Cowell. Have your say and be a part of the solution!

What's being decided?

Community and public consultation will be conducted in the first half of 2025, before co-design of the service delivery model is finalised, and implemented as a trial during 2026-27.

But it is also imperative for successful model design that the project team considers input from the health care sector, especially those professionals working within the Northern Eyre

A new, innovative model of primary health care is being trialled within the Northern Eyre Peninsula region, encompassing the six areas of Elliston, Streaky Bay, Wudinna, Kimba, Cleve and Cowell. Have your say and be a part of the solution!

What's being decided?

Community and public consultation will be conducted in the first half of 2025, before co-design of the service delivery model is finalised, and implemented as a trial during 2026-27.

But it is also imperative for successful model design that the project team considers input from the health care sector, especially those professionals working within the Northern Eyre region.

The model will be designed to enhance the working environment for all medical staff and encourage workforce growth and development.


Seeking to address a prolonged health crisis and medical services failure in its region, the Northern Eyre Peninsula Health Alliance (NEPHA) was formed by the District Councils of Cleve, Elliston, Franklin Harbour, Kimba, Wudinna and the Streaky Bay and Districts Medical Clinic.

In 2021 NEPHA commissioned a previous project to identify the region’s health workforce needs and prepare for a new community-led, innovative model of care to be designed.

In 2024, the Commonwealth Government funded a new 3 year project co-designed by NEPHA and the Eyre and Far North Local Health Network (SA Health), to further develop and implement the model.

Get involved

Your feedback is very important. Please consider sharing about your experience providing services in the Northern Eyre region by:

  • taking the below online survey (estimated completion time around 10 minutes)
  • email your feedback to us at
  • or give the project team a call to arrange a face-to-face or Teams meeting

What are the next steps?

Feedback collected throughout the project will be used to inform the new primary care model, and findings and progress will be reported on this site periodically throughout the life of the project.

Page last updated: 22 Jan 2025, 10:38 AM