Department of Human Services Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025-2028
Share your feedback on the Department of Human Services Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025-2028.
What's being decided?
The Department of Human Services (DHS) is developing its first Suicide Prevention Action Plan.
We invite you to have your say to ensure our Suicide Prevention Action Plan will allow DHS to support wellbeing and help reduce suicide risk for our staff and people we engage with, especially people who access our services.
The Suicide Prevention Act 2021 (SA) requires ten government agencies, including DHS, to develop Suicide Prevention Action Plans that contribute to the goals of the South Australian Suicide Prevention Plan 2023-2026.
Each agency's Action Plan needs to focus on people that agency engages with. The DHS Action Plan is focused on our staff and the people who access our services.
DHS is responsible for a diverse range of services and government strategies. Many of the services we deliver and fund help people at important times in their lives when they may need extra support and could be at higher risk of experiencing distress or thinking about suicide. Some of our work also focuses on supporting population groups that can be more likely to think about suicide. In our draft Action Plan, we refer to these as ‘priority populations’.
Anyone is welcome to provide feedback on the draft DHS Action Plan, however we are particularly interested in hearing from:
- People who access our services (learn more about how we help);
- People with lived experience of suicide or suicide-related distress;
- People from population groups that might be more likely to think about suicide;
- Organisations that work with or represent the above groups; and
- Organisations that DHS funds
Get involved
Find out more:
- read the draft Department of Human Services Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025-2028
- take a look at the DHS website to learn more about what we do
Have your say by:
- Take our survey (link below)
- Email your submission to with the subject: Feedback – Suicide Prevention Action Plan
- Post your written submission to: Department of Human Services, Attn: Inclusion Policy and Reform, GPO Box 292, Adelaide SA 5001
- Phone us on (08) 8429 7735
Help others have their say:
- Promote the consultation by sharing this YourSAy page with your networks
What are the next steps?
We will consider your feedback to finalise the Department of Human Services Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025-2028 and will share a summary of what we heard on this site.
The final Action Plan will be available on the Department of Human Services website and on this page later in 2025