South East Coastal Lakes Project

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

We are seeking community and stakeholder feedback on proposals to better protect and manage 5 lakes as part of the South East Coastal Lakes (SECL) project.

Note: This consultation was originally scheduled to close on Monday 3 July 2023. It has been extended and submissions will now close on Friday 28 July 2023.

What's being decided?

We’re inviting the community to consider future management opportunities for the South East Coastal Lakes (Lake Bonney SE, Lake George, Lake St Clair, Lake Eliza, Lake Hawdon North), to ensure that they are conserved for and enjoyed by future generations.

We’ve developed a management proposal for each lake for you to review and provide feedback as part of the consultation process.


The South East Coastal Lakes and much of the surrounding lands are unalienated Crown land.

When we first consulted the community on this matter in 2022, we received important feedback about how you use and value the South East Coastal Lakes.

This feedback enabled us to explore areas for improvement in the management of the lakes, and integrated what the community said into a document that proposes a new way of managing the lakes into the future.

This proposal document provides options that reflect what we learned in Phase 1: the community wants to enjoy the lakes and continue recreational activities in a managed way, whilst also increasing the conservation and protection of the environment.

We developed the proposal document with input from First Nations, key stakeholders, park managers and technical experts.

Full details of these proposals can be found in the SE Coastal Lakes Proposal Paper. Please note that we are seeking feedback solely on the content of the proposals document at this time.

For an overview of the South East Coastal Lakes Project, visit the National Parks and Wildlife Service website.

Get involved

Find out more:

Have your say by:

  • taking our survey
  • emailing a submission to
  • posting your written submission to:
    Department for Environment and Water
    National Parks and Protected Area Program
    GPO Box 1047 ADELAIDE SA 5001

Please be aware that, unless a request for confidentiality is made, information contained in any submission may be referred to publicly or published. Any material identified as ‘confidential’ is still subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1991 and, while efforts will be made to keep the material confidential, in some circumstances it may be disclosed under that Act. Where disclosure of information may identify you, attempts will be made to consult with you under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 before the documents are disclosed.

What are the next steps?

We will collate, analyse and use your feedback in the development of the final proposals submitted to the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water for consideration.

We are seeking community and stakeholder feedback on proposals to better protect and manage 5 lakes as part of the South East Coastal Lakes (SECL) project.

Note: This consultation was originally scheduled to close on Monday 3 July 2023. It has been extended and submissions will now close on Friday 28 July 2023.

What's being decided?

We’re inviting the community to consider future management opportunities for the South East Coastal Lakes (Lake Bonney SE, Lake George, Lake St Clair, Lake Eliza, Lake Hawdon North), to ensure that they are conserved for and enjoyed by future generations.

We’ve developed a management proposal for each lake for you to review and provide feedback as part of the consultation process.


The South East Coastal Lakes and much of the surrounding lands are unalienated Crown land.

When we first consulted the community on this matter in 2022, we received important feedback about how you use and value the South East Coastal Lakes.

This feedback enabled us to explore areas for improvement in the management of the lakes, and integrated what the community said into a document that proposes a new way of managing the lakes into the future.

This proposal document provides options that reflect what we learned in Phase 1: the community wants to enjoy the lakes and continue recreational activities in a managed way, whilst also increasing the conservation and protection of the environment.

We developed the proposal document with input from First Nations, key stakeholders, park managers and technical experts.

Full details of these proposals can be found in the SE Coastal Lakes Proposal Paper. Please note that we are seeking feedback solely on the content of the proposals document at this time.

For an overview of the South East Coastal Lakes Project, visit the National Parks and Wildlife Service website.

Get involved

Find out more:

Have your say by:

  • taking our survey
  • emailing a submission to
  • posting your written submission to:
    Department for Environment and Water
    National Parks and Protected Area Program
    GPO Box 1047 ADELAIDE SA 5001

Please be aware that, unless a request for confidentiality is made, information contained in any submission may be referred to publicly or published. Any material identified as ‘confidential’ is still subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1991 and, while efforts will be made to keep the material confidential, in some circumstances it may be disclosed under that Act. Where disclosure of information may identify you, attempts will be made to consult with you under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 before the documents are disclosed.

What are the next steps?

We will collate, analyse and use your feedback in the development of the final proposals submitted to the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water for consideration.

  • We are conducting a survey about the proposed changes to the SE coastal lakes and would appreciate your opinion.

    Depending on your answers, this survey should take approximately five to ten minutes to complete. 

    Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.