Consultation Questions
We are interested in your views on the fundamental elements of the proposed Bill, including the proposed objects; proposed principles; a Whole of State Strategy for Children, Young People and their Families; and the Child Development Council.
We have prepared some questions to capture your ideas on how we can refine these fundamental elements and improve the draft Bill.
Proposed Objects
- Of the objects proposed for the new draft Bill, what are the top 3 that you consider most important?
- Are there any objects that you feel are missing, out of place or need revision?
Click here to download the factsheet on the Proposed Objects
Proposed Principles
- Of the draft principles proposed for the new Bill, what are the top 3 that you consider most important?
- Are there any principles that you feel are missing, out of place or need revision?
Click here to download the factsheet on the Proposed Principles
The Strategy and the Council
- Are there any additional matters that you feel should be included in the proposed Whole of State Strategy for Children, Young People and their Families?
- Mindful of the rationale for placing the Child Development Council in this new Bill, are the functions that have been proposed supportive of the intentions of such a Bill? If not, how might they be strengthened?
Click here to download the factsheet on The Strategy and the Council
Your feedback will be considered as part of the ongoing drafting process. A final copy of the Bill will be publically available when it is introduced into Parliament.
Feedback will be accepted until 5.00pm on Friday 1 September 2017.
You can provide your feedback on the draft Bill by:
- Posting in the online discussion forum
- Submitting your responses via email to
- Mailing your submission to:
Ms Ann Marie Hayes
Early Years & Child Development Directorate
Department for Education and Child Development
GPO Box 1152
Submissions may be published online as part of the consultation process.
If you are providing a submission by email or to the postal address, please advise if you would like it to remain confidential.
Consultation has concluded