Community Guidelines

Our goal is to involve everyday citizens in the decisions that affect their lives. One way you can do this is by participating in the discussions on our YourSAy engagement website.

The YourSAy website is managed by the Better Together team, which is a part of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet in South Australia.

These guidelines have been created to help us foster a community where everyone can have an open conversation about matters that affect their lives in a safe online environment.

By using the YourSAy website, you agree to comply with these guidelines which form part of the Terms of Use. You also agree to those Terms of Use and to our Privacy Policy.

This website is also moderated by an expert global moderation team from Bang the Table, who host and operate the website.

Bang the Table’s moderators provide multilingual moderation support to ensure participants, site administrators, and third-parties are safe from malicious, inflammatory and illegal materials.

Bang the Table’s role in moderation of this site is to ensure that contributions are reviewed and assessed in an impartial manner according to the rules outlined in this policy.

1. Be authentic and honest

We want to hear from you about the matters that affect your life so you must register as yourself and only post comments on your own behalf. Only make contributions that you know to be true and you must not include any misleading or deceptive material.

2. Be fair

We really want to hear your views, but we only want to hear them once about each issue. Do not try to have more than your fair say by registering multiple email addresses or by voting on each issue more than once.

3. Don’t spam

Please ensure that the comments you post on the YourSAy website are relevant to the topic or issue being discussed.

4. Don’t advertise

The YourSAy website is not to be used for your commercial activities. Do not post anything on the YourSAy website that contains links to any commercial advertising material or that promotes commercial activities. You must not collect or harvest any personally identifiable information, including account names, from the YourSAy website.

5. Be respectful and follow the law

Please be respectful of other users and their opinions. This means you must not post any content on the YourSAy website that:

5.1 is unlawful;

5.2 is threatening;

5.3 is abusive;

5.4 is defamatory;

5.5 is obscene;

5.6 is vulgar;

5.7 is pornographic;

5.8 is profane or indecent;

5. 9 is an invasion of privacy or any other rights of a third party;

5.10 infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, design, confidentiality or other intellectual property rights of any other person;

5.11 may constitute (or encourages conduct that would constitute) a criminal offence;

5.12 may give rise to civil liability; or

5.13 is otherwise objectionable.

This also means that you must not:

5.14 harass, abuse, threaten, stalk or make personal attacks against others;

5.15 incite hatred on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality, age, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics; or

5.16 use the YourSAy website to conduct any illegal activity or encourage any illegal activity.

Only post material on the YourSAy website that is suitable for anyone (including young children) to view and you must make sure that you have obtained permission before you post photos of other people, videos, art works, articles and other intellectual property of third parties.

6. Keep privacy in mind

Do not disclose any personal or sensitive information about yourself or others on the YourSAy website. Do not post anyone else’s private email address or contact details. Do not impersonate anyone else, falsely represent them or make representations about their opinions on any issue. You must disclose any interests or affiliations which may be relevant to any content posted by you and you must not misrepresent your affiliation with another person or entity.

7. Don’t spread viruses

Do not post any content which contains a software virus or anything else that is designed to interfere with the proper function of any of our software, hardware or equipment or that of any other YourSAy website users.

Also, you must not:

7.1 try to bypass any security measures which protect the YourSAy website;

7.2 try to damage or gain unauthorised access to any system, data, password, or other information which belongs to us or to another person;

7.3 try to access the YourSAy website's source code, underlying ideas, algorithms or anything of the like;

7.4 take any action that imposes an unreasonable load on our software, hardware or equipment or on that of our third-party providers; and

7.5 use any kind of manual or automated software or device to “crawl” or “spider” any part of the YourSAy website.

Help us to keep the YourSAy website as a safe and open place to have your say

Please report any content on the YourSAy website that is inaccurate, offensive, inappropriate or contravenes any of these guidelines or the Terms of Use by contacting us at


If you are unclear about anything, please seek clarification by contacting us at