Get involved
The Department for Education and Child Development has begun developing the fundamental elements of a new Bill, which could establish a new piece of legislation.
The new Bill would emphasise early intervention and prevention as important measures in the wellbeing and development of children and young people, their families and communities across South Australia.
We are interested in your views on the fundamental elements of the draft Bill, including:
- proposed objects
- proposed principles
- a whole of state strategy for children, young people and their families
- the Child Development Council.
Some guiding questions have been prepared for your consideration:
Proposed objects
- Of the objects proposed for the new draft Bill, what are the top 3 that you consider most important?
- Are there any objects that you feel are missing, out of place or need revision?
Proposed Principles
- Of the draft principles proposed for the new Bill, what are the top 3 that you consider most important?
- Are there any principles that you feel are missing, out of place or need revision?
The strategy and the council
Are there any additional matters that you feel should be included in the proposed whole of state strategy for children, young people and their families?
Mindful of the rationale for placing the Child Development Council in this new Bill, are the functions that have been proposed supportive of the intentions of such a Bill? If not, how might they be strengthened?
Strategy and the council factsheet
Join the conversation
Your feedback will be considered as part of the ongoing drafting process. A final copy of the Bill will be publically available when it is introduced into Parliament.
Feedback will be accepted until 5.00pm on Friday 1 September 2017.
You can provide your feedback by:
- Posting in the online discussion below
- Emailing your submission based on the suggested questions to
- Mailing your submission to:
Ms Ann Marie Hayes
Early Years & Child Development Directorate
Department for Education and Child Development
GPO Box 1152
Submissions may be published online as part of the consultation process.
If you are providing a submission by email or to the postal address, please advise if you would like it to remain confidential.
Consultation has concluded