Adult Safeguarding Unit Code of Practice

Consultation has concluded

Consultation Process

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 28 June to 19 July 2019. Below is a record of this engagement.

We are seeking your feedback on the Adult Safeguarding Unit’s draft Code of Practice to help ensure the safety of adults vulnerable to abuse in South Australia.

What is being decided?

In late 2018 the Parliament of South Australia passed new laws to establish an Adult Safeguarding Unit, which is expected to start operating on 1 October 2019.

The Office for Ageing Well is seeking your feedback on a draft Code of Practice, which

Consultation Process

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 28 June to 19 July 2019. Below is a record of this engagement.

We are seeking your feedback on the Adult Safeguarding Unit’s draft Code of Practice to help ensure the safety of adults vulnerable to abuse in South Australia.

What is being decided?

In late 2018 the Parliament of South Australia passed new laws to establish an Adult Safeguarding Unit, which is expected to start operating on 1 October 2019.

The Office for Ageing Well is seeking your feedback on a draft Code of Practice, which outlines in a detailed and practical way what South Australians can expect from the new Adult Safeguarding Unit.

The Code of Practice will guide how the Adult Safeguarding Unit responds to reports of actual or suspected abuse. This includes interaction with those who are the subject of a report, the person making a report or an organisation the Unit will send a referral to.

This consultation follows a previous engagement on YourSAy in which the community was invited to provide input into the Adult Safeguarding Unit Regulations.

How can you get involved?

We invite you to read the draft Code of Practice and provide your feedback.

  • Complete the online survey
  • Email your feedback to
  • Post a written submission to Office for Ageing Well, PO Box 197, Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000 or
  • Fax a written submission to 08 8204 2430

Submissions must be received by 5.00pm (ACST) on Friday 19 July 2019.

How can your input influence the decision?

Your feedback will inform the new Adult Safeguarding Unit’s Code of Practice, which will be finalised and released later in 2019.

Where can you get support?

If this consultation has raised concerns for you, please call the SA Elder Abuse Prevention Phone Line on 1800 372 310 for free confidential advice and support or visit

Closing date: 5pm Friday 19 July 2019


The abuse of vulnerable adults is unacceptable. It is never justified.

New legislation was passed in South Australia in 2018 to establish the Adult Safeguarding Unit with a focus on preventing and responding to abuse of vulnerable adults in South Australia.

The Adult Safeguarding Unit complements the role of other government bodies. It provides the community with an approachable, empowered body with responsibility and accountability for receiving and responding to reports of actual or suspected abuse of adults at risk of harm.

Anyone who suspects that an adult is at risk of abuse will be able to report their concerns to the Adult Safeguarding Unit once it is operational later in 2019.

Where a call meets the remit of the Adult Safeguarding Unit, the Unit will have responsibility and accountability for assessing and responding to reports of current actual or suspected abuse of people aged 65 and over, or 50 and over for people who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. Responses could include an investigation (information gathering), a referral to more appropriate organisations, or no further action (if appropriate).

The Code of Practice will guide how the Adult Safeguarding Unit responds to those who are the subject of a report, the person making a report or an organisation to which the Unit will send a referral.

This consultation follows a previous engagement on YourSAy where the community was invited to provide input into the Adult Safeguarding Unit Regulations.