Donor Conception Register established in South Australia

In an exciting step forward, an electronic Donor Conception Register (DCR) was established in South Australia on 27 October 2021 to hold information about donors and their offspring.

As part of the DCR, an online Assisted Reproductive Treatment (ART) Clinic portal was launched and donor records are now input directly into the DCR by ART Clinics via the portal.

The DCR has linkages to the Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) Register for data verification purposes and ensures that so far as is possible, all available donor information is captured. This includes private donor arrangements made outside of the ART Clinic environment.

SA Health is also working together with ART Clinics to verify available historical records and enable the progressive input of these records into the DCR.

This is just the first phase of the DCR’s statewide implementation signalling the State Government’s commitment to establishing an accessible DCR within South Australia.

Consultation has concluded. Below is a record of the engagement.

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