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View of vineyards in the Barossa Valley

Barossa Water Allocation Plan Amendment Survey

The Northern and Yorke Landscape Board invites you to participate in the pre-consultation survey regarding management options for the Barossa Water Allocation Plan amendment. Your responses will be considered as part of the amendment that is currently in progress.

The survey contains questions regarding the 8 management options (listed below) that are outlined in the Barossa Water Allocation Plan amendment fact sheet #5 ‘Issues and Management Options’. Please read this fact sheet prior to completing the survey.

  1. Thresholds that represent unacceptable resource condition
  2. Adaptive allocations in line with resource condition 
  3. Provision of additional flows through the system
  4. Threshold flow rates for watercourse extractions
  5. Voluntary actions to improve flows
  6.  Reduced water access entitlements to reflect reduced resource capacity 
  7. Dam volume reductions
  8. Dam removals

You are welcome to provide responses to any/all questions for any/all management options. All feedback will be considered.

The proposed objectives for the Plan are:

  1. Set acceptable resource condition limits
  2. Minimise impact on security of access
  3. Protect water dependent ecosystems
  4. Allow for flexible and variable use
  5. Manage at an appropriate scale
  6. Consider First Nations interests