Belair National Park Master Plan

Consultation has concluded

Help us shape the redevelopment of the former Belair National Park Golf Course and Country Club precinct.

What is being decided?

We want your feedback on the future redevelopment plans for the former Belair National Park Golf Course and Country Club precinct, outlined in the draft master plan 2020.

The master plan aims to create an accessible and inclusive space for the community. It outlines potential upgrades to infrastructure that will bring life to the site and reunite it back into the broader Belair National Park, offering new experiences to benefit all visitors. Find out more about the proposed

Help us shape the redevelopment of the former Belair National Park Golf Course and Country Club precinct.

What is being decided?

We want your feedback on the future redevelopment plans for the former Belair National Park Golf Course and Country Club precinct, outlined in the draft master plan 2020.

The master plan aims to create an accessible and inclusive space for the community. It outlines potential upgrades to infrastructure that will bring life to the site and reunite it back into the broader Belair National Park, offering new experiences to benefit all visitors. Find out more about the proposed key features of the master plan.

We are also proposing an amendment to several zones of the Belair National Park Management Plan. This will help transition the former Belair Golf Course precinct to future uses that support tourism and recreation.

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page will help answer any questions that may arise while considering your feedback.

Get involved

Read the:

To have your say:

Department for Environment and Water
National Parks and Protected Area Program
Attn: Rachel Pfitzner
GPO Box 1047
Adelaide, South Australia 5001

How can your input influence the decision?

Your input will be considered in the final redevelopment plans for the precinct and the final amendment to the Belair National Park Management Plan.

What are the next steps?

We will submit the final maste rplan and draft park management plan amendment to the Parks and Wilderness Council for consideration prior to submitting to the Minister for Environment and Water for adoption.

This is expected to occur in May 2021.

A summary of the feedback collected will be available later in the year on this website.

Following adoption of the final master plan and amendment, the precinct will be managed as part of the Belair National Park and will abide by the legislation and policies that govern this site.


For more information about the Belair master plan and draft amendment for the Belair National Park Management Plan:


Phone: (08) 8463 6987

Closing date: 5pm, Tuesday 4 May, 2021


The Belair National Park is South Australia’s first national park, set aside for protection in 1891. The Former Belair Golf Course and Country Club precinct is situated in Belair National Park and is approximately 51 hectares in size. It has been a venue for golf, weddings and other events over many years.

This precinct was managed through a lease under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 from the 1980s, until business operations ceased in 2018.

Following the return of the precinct in 2018, we sought feedback from the community through a series of concluded focus groups and an online survey receiving more than 2,200 responses, on the type of activities the community would like to see at the former golf course precinct.

The feedback highlighted the community’s support to maintain and enhance the conservation values of the precinct while also activating opportunities for nature-based recreation.

We then sought proposals through an Expression of Interest (EOI) process in late September 2018.

The EOI resulted in proposals for use of parts of the site, including a proposal for a local mountain bike hire and skills training operator and a proposal from a local community soccer club.

We have developed a draft master plan, in consultation with a Belair Community Reference Group, to ensure the future use of this site meets the community’s expectations and the objectives for the park.

Have your say on the master plan and get involved.

Implementation of any projects and initiatives outlined in the master plan are subject to available resources. Any private sector led proposals that secure in principle support by DEW will require further assessment and development approvals as per the Planning and Design Code.

Consultation has concluded
  • Final plan released

    In February 2021, we sought the community’s views on the former Belair National Park Golf Course and Country Club Master Plan and an amendment to the Belair National Park Management Plan. This was done to help transition the land to future uses that support conservation and recreation.

    All submissions received on the draft master plan and amendment have been considered and have assisted in the development of this final amendment to the Belair National Park Management Plan. The master plan process was closed as land use updates have been incorporated into the amendment.

    We thank all those that have contributed to this process.

    We have also created a Community Consultation Report 2021.

  • Second community drop in session announced

    Second community drop in session announced

    We are holding a second community drop in session for the redevelopment of the former Belair National Park Golf Course and Country Club precinct.

  • Consultation update

    We received an overwhelming response to the consultation and is now in the process of reviewing all feedback.

    A report to detail the findings of the consultation will be prepared and be made available on this website from next financial year.

    This report will also be provided to the Minister for Environment and Water and the Parks and Wilderness Council for consideration and to guide any management plan amendments.

    Please note that the Minister for Environment and Water has stated that the proposal to develop up to 10 ha of the site into soccer pitches (including adjoining facilities) will no longer be supported.

    If you wish to see the previous comments, head to our legacy website.

  • Community drop in session 2

    We want your feedback on the future redevelopment plans for the former Belair National Park Golf Course and Country Club precinct, outlined in the draft Belair National Park Golf Course and Country Club Master Plan 2020 and draft amendment.

    The masterplan aims to create an accessible and inclusive area for the community. It outlines potential upgrades to infrastructure that will bring life to the site and reunite it back into the broader Belair National Park, offering new experiences to benefit all visitors.

    We will hold a community drop in session where you can view the proposals outlined in the master plan and draft amendment to the Belair National Park Management Plan and talk with agency staff.

    No prior registration is required.

    Enter via Access Road from Upper Sturt Road.

    Former Belair National Park Golf Course

    Date and time:
    Saturday, 20 Mar 2021 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
  • Key master plan features

    Download a copy of the full draft Belair National Park Golf Course and Country Club Master Plan 2020.

    Key features proposed in the draft master plan include:

    • Removal of the Belair Function Centre following the investigation of numerous unsuccessful management options.
    • Sturt Lions Football Club proposal to establish a new home ground on up to 10 hectares of the southern boundary of the precinct.
    • Building more opportunities for nature based tourism experiences in national parks. The department has supported the short term lease of a local Mountain Bike hire and skills training business to operate from the old clubhouse in the precinct.
    • Creating more opportunities for people to engage with nature by building a shared use trail and proposing mountain bike flow and jump trails to support a growing interest in this recreational activity.