Breakout Creek - 30 June 2021 announcement
You may have been involved in our online engagement, from 1 to 27 September 2020, where the community was asked to provide feedback on draft designs for stage 3 of the Breakout Creek redevelopment.
The extensive engagement included local residents, various stakeholders and the broader South Australian community. We thank you for your input.
Community feedback helped design the project which includes 15 hectares of public land unlocked for community use.
Once construction is complete, you can expect to see, land and water revegetation, seating, picnic areas, access trails, viewing decks, boardwalks, Apex Park access upgrades, public art and a learning place about Kaurna culture.
Visit Green Adelaide to view the final designs and learn more about the redevelopment. Questions? Email Green Adelaide at
Construction will begin in spring this year.
The project is a $12 million partnership between Green Adelaide, the City of Charles Sturt, the City of West Torrens, the South Australian Attorney-General’s Department through the Planning and Development Fund, the Australian Government through the Environment Restoration Fund and SA Water. The project is committed to working with the Traditional Owners of the Adelaide plains, the Kaurna people.
Consultation has concluded