Project Information Overview
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 1 September to 27 September 2020. Below is a record of the engagement.
Below is a summary of the project, including project visuals and key features, which is also available as a Project Information PDF download.
This project involves the redevelopment of Breakout Creek from a fenced-off channel dug in the 1930s to a highly biodiverse area, opening up more opportunities for community use and improving water quality.
Project Stages Map
Design Principles
The community was previously involved in developing nine key design principles that were used to guide the preparation of a concept plan for Breakout Creek Stage 3 Redevelopment. These design principles have been carried over to the draft design.
- Naturalise the watercourse and create habitats for aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity
- Improve water quality by introducing biofiltration wetlands while maintaining flood conveyance
- Enhance the general amenity with a greater diversity of landscape treatments and interpret the local environment and culture
- Improve recreation opportunities for a range of active and passive recreation
- Provide equity in access and use and introduce opportunities for river crossing
- Increase personal safety for users with good lighting and clear sightlines
- Retain a space for horses and interpret the historic associations with the site
- Enable ongoing maintenance and management with designs that are durable and sustainable
- Propose practical design outcomes that address the needs of stakeholders and community
Key features of the draft design
The Breakout Creek Stage 3 redevelopment draft design has been prepared taking into account the design principles, redevelopment of Apex Park, input from the Kaurna Nation, technical feasibility studies, new approaches to water quality improvement and improved continuity with the upstream environment.
Enhanced water quality treatment
A more natural watercourse and wetland system will be formed to treat water, whilst also managing high flows.
Vegetated wetland on both banks adjacent to the main channel will treat stormwater that currently discharges directly into the main channel.
Native wetland vegetation will be established within the main channel, to slow and treat water coming down the river.
It is not anticipated that biting insects will be an issue because the wetlands will support a diversity of species that will regulate their growth.
The existing concrete channel under Seaview Road will be retained and landscaped with naturalistic rock installations.
The main watercourse will be widened, and native wetland vegetation established to treat in-stream water.
The existing stormwater outfall infrastructure will be retained and landscaped with naturalistic rock installations.
Naturalising the watercourse will improve water quality for native plants and animals at the site as well as improving the quality of water flowing into the Gulf. This will have positive impacts on the growth of seagrass, and on the experience of beach users. The approach will be consistent with Stages 1 and 2 of Breakout Creek and will provide an attractive and interesting environment for the community to experience.
Restoring and experiencing native habitats and biodiversity
Naturalising the main watercourse, creating wetlands and planting native vegetation will create habitats that support aquatic and terrestrial native animals including macroinvertebrates, fish, birds, and frogs.
Specially selected plants including reeds and rushes will provide hiding and breeding spaces for native fish and will encourage birds to the area that have lost most of their habitat in the Adelaide region – such as the Australasian Bittern. Deeper areas will provide habitat for larger fish, such as the endangered Freshwater Catfish. Faster-flowing meandering areas will oxygenate the water and create habitat for flow-loving macroinvertebrates and fish, and shallow zones will support habitat for wader birds. The riverbanks will also be revegetated with bushland habitat to further support biodiversity restoration.
Creating more natural habitats will enable people to connect with nature and in doing so experience a range of physical and mental benefits. Viewing decks and boardwalks will allow people to get close to the water, watch birds and enjoy the natural setting. Interpretive signage will provide the opportunity for people to learn more about the site’s biodiversity and nature play opportunities will provide immersive and fun experiences.
Increased recreational opportunities
The project will unlock 15 hectares of public land for community use and benefit. A range of opportunities for passive and active recreation will be provided for. Walking, cycling and running will be supported by the enhancement of the linear trail with improved sightlines, and two river crossings- one near Apex Park and the other near Seaview Road. Rest areas with seating will also be provided.
A pathway loop, from the Military Road cul-de-sac on the northern bank, will be graded to meet disability access standards.
Walking trails, boardwalks, viewing decks, interpretive signage, nature play and the horse agistment area will create a varied and interesting environment for people to visit and enjoy. Improving the connection with Apex Park, the beach, the upstream trails and the City will provide the ability to link a visit to the site with other outings and “make a day of it”.
A place for horses
One of the challenges of the redevelopment is to reach a balance between the nine design principles, of which retaining a space for horses is one. This draft design includes a horse agistment area in the south-western segment adjacent Apex Park. This allows horses to occupy a space along the bank, provides horse access to the purpose-built equestrian arena in Apex Park, and enables the community to see and interact with the horses.
The agistment area will be fenced on all sides for the safety of the horses and the public and to prevent erosion of the watercourse by hooves and pollution from horse dung. The reduction in reduced agistment area is required to meet the other design principles, such as naturalising the watercourse, improving water quality, improving recreation, and providing equity in access and use of Breakout Creek. Funding for the project was on based on achieving the nine design principles and so it is important that a careful balance is achieved between them.
Project partners will continue to look for solutions and design refinement to maintain horse agistment viability and make the maximum use of available space. Elements currently being considered include horse-feeding yards, pasture management features/assistance, and smaller complementary paddock areas. This will maintain the integrity of the design principles, meet project funding requirements, and provide something for everyone.
Working with Kaurna to create a place of shared connection
This project is being undertaken on Kaurna Country and the River Torrens (Karrawirra Pari) and Gulf St Vincent have important cultural and environmental values to the Kaurna People.
The project team and representatives of the Kaurna Nation have been working closely in the development of the project.
Workshops and site visits have been held to understand Kaurna values of the land and waters and how these may be incorporated into the draft design, as well as future opportunities for the engagement of Kaurna People.
Consultation has concluded