Building upgrade agreements

Consultation has concluded


This consultation is now closed. Thank you for your interest.

Have YourSAy on a new finance mechanism being developed to assist building owners to improve the environmental efficiency of their commercial buildings.

Building Upgrade Finance (BUF) is a mechanism which helps building owners to access loans to improve the energy, water and environmental efficiency of existing commercial buildings. The loan is tied to a property rather than a property owner and loan repayments are collected via a local government charge that is levied on the property and passed on to the financier. For more information about BUF visit


This consultation is now closed. Thank you for your interest.

Have YourSAy on a new finance mechanism being developed to assist building owners to improve the environmental efficiency of their commercial buildings.

Building Upgrade Finance (BUF) is a mechanism which helps building owners to access loans to improve the energy, water and environmental efficiency of existing commercial buildings. The loan is tied to a property rather than a property owner and loan repayments are collected via a local government charge that is levied on the property and passed on to the financier. For more information about BUF visit

On the 24th October 2013, the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation announced that the Government of South Australia was working on legislative provisions to introduce BUF in South Australia. 

Comments on the draft Local Government (Building Upgrade Agreements) Amendment Bill 2014 (click here to view PDF 30KB) are invited from the public, especially from local government, the finance and property sectors and tenants of commercial buildings. This consultation provides an opportunity for stakeholders to suggest improvements and raise any issues of concern. This will assist in the design of the mechanism.

For more information about the proposed amendments see the overview here (PDF 668 KB).

Enquiries and written submissions marked “Building Upgrade Agreements” can be made to:

Water and Climate Change Branch

Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources

GPO Box 1047

Adelaide SA 5001


Phone: (08) 8463 7995

All comments submitted are considered to be public documents and may be available for public viewing, unless otherwise requested.

Consultation closes: 11 April 2014