When was the Act last reviewed?

    The first review of the Act was undertaken in 2011 and a report for that review was tabled in the South Australian Parliament in November 2012. The review broadly found that:

    • Carers reported better recognition and support than before the Act started.
    • There was some inconsistency by some organisations in meeting their obligations.
    • Several factors prevented carers from fully benefitting from the Act.
    • Some changes to the Act may be useful.

    Do I need to answer every question?

    Not at all!

    When completing the online survey, you can answer all the questions or just choose the ones you are most interested in - simply skip anything that you are not interested in. There are no mandatory questions.

    When writing a submission, you can address any number of questions in the Discussion Paper.

    Alternatively, if you prefer, you can send us other feedback via email (CarersActReview@sa.gov.au) or post (Department for Human Services, Att: Social Inclusion - Carers, GPO Box 292, Adelaide SA 5001).

    Can I remain anonymous?

    Yes! You can remain anonymous. 

    You don't need to register or to create any account to participate in this conversation.

    Any information provided through the survey on this website is anonymous. Any information provided via email or in-person will remain confidential.

    Who can I contact for further information?

    You can contact the Social Inclusion Policy and Partnerships team at Department of Human Services by email at: CarersActReview@sa.gov.au or call (08) 8429 7740.