Container Deposit Scheme consultation outcomes

Thank you for your interest in response to the discussion paper on reviewing South Australia’s container deposit scheme.

Between 25 September and 30 November 2021, the EPA received 250 submissions from the public, Container Deposit Scheme stakeholders, environment and community groups, industry and government and a summary of these responses is now available in the Consultation summary report.

Following support for a range of options proposed in the discussion paper, changes to improve the scheme will focus on:

  • clarifying the current purpose of the scheme, strengthening the promotion of the circulation of materials through resource recovery, and supporting a stronger market for recovered resources within a circular economy
  • modernising CDS operations including new technologies, improved community accessibility and service experience
  • introducing a more effective governance arrangements for CDS with a preference for a centralised scheme coordinator model
  • implementing mechanisms that optimise the recovery and recycling of high value materials in alignment with other states and territories as much as possible
  • streamlining scheme fees, including introducing a more efficient cost recovery approach for regulatory oversight
  • streamlining beverage ‘label’ approval requirements, in alignment with other states and territories as much as possible.

We will continue to work with key stakeholders to develop draft legislative changes to improve the container deposit system for beverage producers, recyclers and the community.

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions

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