Child protection reforms

Consultation has concluded


This consultation is now closed and you can read about the outcomes here.

Please visit the Child Protection Systems Royal Commission website to keep up to date with proceedings.


Have you had experience with the child protection system?

Your experiences could be helpful as the Child Protection Systems Royal Commission investigates the effectiveness of child protection systems here in South Australia. Whether your experience is as an individual or through an organisation, your input is being sought.

You can make a submission using the online form below or by writing to:

Child Protection Systems Royal Commission


This consultation is now closed and you can read about the outcomes here.

Please visit the Child Protection Systems Royal Commission website to keep up to date with proceedings.


Have you had experience with the child protection system?

Your experiences could be helpful as the Child Protection Systems Royal Commission investigates the effectiveness of child protection systems here in South Australia. Whether your experience is as an individual or through an organisation, your input is being sought.

You can make a submission using the online form below or by writing to:

Child Protection Systems Royal Commission
GPO Box 9947
Adelaide SA 5001

If you need help to make a submission, please call 1800 826 866 (free call from landlines).

What will happen to my submission?

The information you provide will contribute to the Commission’s investigations.

If you have provided information relevant to the Terms of Reference you may need to provide additional evidence. Depending on the nature of the information in your submission, you may be asked to participate in a hearing, or the Royal Commissioner may ask you to provide sworn evidence.

Why is there a Royal Commission?

Premier Jay Weatherill announced the Child Protection Systems Royal Commission in August 2014 to investigate the effectiveness of the child protection systems that are currently in place. The Royal Commissioner will make recommendations to the Governor and the Parliament about improvements that can be made to the existing laws, policies, procedures and practices employed by those authorities which are responsible for the care of children at risk of harm.

Please use the online submission form to have your say.

If you would like further information on the Child Protection Systems Royal Commission please visit the website.


You may need to refer to the following documents under which the Royal Commission will conduct its investigations:

Terms of reference and

Royal Commission Act 1917

Consultation has concluded
  • Outcome

    What happened to submissions made to the commission?

    Royal Commissioner Margaret Nyland and her team used submissions made by individuals and organisations to inform their investigation of the child protection system.

    Some people were asked to give additional information, participate in a hearing, or provide sworn evidence. The Commission received 374 submissions, conducted 74 stakeholder engagements and heard from 381 witnesses including public servants, experts, non-government organisations and foster carers.

    On 5 August 2016 she delivered her report to the Governor which recommended improvements to the existing laws, policies, practices and structures currently in place for children at risk of harm, abuse or neglect including those who are under the guardianship of the minister.

    Where can I read the Commissioner’s report?

    The report is available at