Children and Young People (Safety) Regulations 2017

Consultation has concluded

Consultation Process

UPDATE: Below is a record of what appeared on YourSAy during the open consultation process from 19 June 2018 - 27 July 2018.

Provide your feedback on the new child protection regulations in South Australia.

What is being decided?

We want your feedback about The Children and Young People (Safety) Regulations 2017 which form part of the new Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017.

Although the regulations are in place, most of the regulations are yet to commence. The State Government is seeking your feedback on whether any changes or additions need to be made to the

Consultation Process

UPDATE: Below is a record of what appeared on YourSAy during the open consultation process from 19 June 2018 - 27 July 2018.

Provide your feedback on the new child protection regulations in South Australia.

What is being decided?

We want your feedback about The Children and Young People (Safety) Regulations 2017 which form part of the new Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017.

Although the regulations are in place, most of the regulations are yet to commence. The State Government is seeking your feedback on whether any changes or additions need to be made to the regulations to best support the operation of the new child protection system when it fully commences in October 2018.

This new Act represents significant reform for the child protection system and ensures that keeping children and young people safe from harm is paramount. It also gives a voice and better representation to children and young people under custody and guardianship orders in decisions that will affect their lives.

The new Act is being implemented in two phases. The first phase commenced on 26 February 2018 and the remaining sections of the Act will commence on 22 October 2018. The Children and Young People (Safety) Regulations 2017 were made in 19 December 2017 to support the staged implementation of the Act.

These regulations provide detail around the operation of the Act, including things like the required contents of a case plan, the composition of the contact arrangements review panel, licencing for foster care agencies and children’s residential facilities, sharing of information and confidentiality.

Download and read the Children and Young People (Safety) Regulations 2017.

How can your input influence the decision?

Your feedback will be taken into consideration in the drafting of variations to the regulations. You can provide feedback by sending your submission to us using the email or postal address below. 

1. Email your submission to:

2. Mail your submission to:
Legislation Implementation
Department for Child Protection
GPO Box 1072
Adelaide 5001

How will your input be used?

Any variations to the regulations will be made and published prior to 22 October 2018.

Contact us


Closing date: 5:00pm Friday 27 July 2018


The Child Protection Systems Royal Commission, which delivered its report in August 2016, investigated the adequacy of the child protection system in South Australia. As part of the response of the government at the time to the Royal Commission’s 260 recommendations, a full review of the suite of legislation concerning child protection was undertaken, resulting in the Children and Young People (Safety) Bill 2016 being drafted to replace the Children’s Protection Act 1993

The Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 was passed by the Parliament in June 2017. The Act is commencing in two stages, with parts of the Act already having commenced on 26 February 2018, and the remaining provisions scheduled to come into operation on 22 October 2018.

The Children and Young People (Safety) Regulations 2017 were made by the Governor on 19 December 2017 to support the operation of the Act. The Regulations are also commencing in two stages to align with the staged commencement of the Act.