Correctional Services Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025-2028
Consultation has concluded

Share your views on our Suicide Prevention Action Plan
What's being decided?
The Department for Correctional Services (DCS) is developing its first Suicide Prevention Action Plan.
Individuals in contact with the criminal justice system have higher suicide rates than the general population, often intersecting with multiple high-risk identities. This includes incarcerated Aboriginal South Australians, those with early life adversity, LGBTIQA+ individuals and defence force veterans. Incorporating a lived-experience perspective is an emerging focus area for DCS, and we particularly interested in hearing from people with lived experience of mental illness, suicide or suicide-related distress and people who identify with these groups.
The Suicide Prevention Act 2021 (SA) was enacted in South Australia to enhance suicide prevention initiatives and foster best practices. A major component of this legislation is the establishment of the South Australian Suicide Prevention Plan 2023-2026 which was developed in consultation with stakeholders, and endorsed by the Suicide Prevention Council. Under this legislation, and in alignment with State government priorities identified in the Plan, DCS, as well as a number of other state agencies, is mandated to develop its own Suicide Prevention Action Plan. Our Action Plan should address:
- suicide prevention for DCS staff; and
- suicide prevention for people in contact with DCS.
The legislation requires DCS to consult in the development of its Action Plan with certain populations and the public.
The draft 4-year DCS Suicide Prevention Action Plan aims to progress the objects of the Suicide Prevention Act 2021 and the State’s Suicide Prevention Plan by addressing the unique needs of high-risk priority populations within the correctional system across the five identified State priorities – Partner, Respect, Prevent, Review, Respond.
The draft DCS Suicide Prevention Action Plan complements Departmental priorities in the DCS Strategic Plan 2022-2026, including:
- Reducing Reoffending (20by26) – investing in strategic rehabilitation and reintegration initiatives that ensure fewer people return to custody;
- Closing the Gap – reducing the overrepresentation of Aboriginal people incarcerated in SA through delivery of culturally responsive programs and services;
- Safe at Work – prioritising the safety of staff, partners and people under DCS supervision.
DCS has engaged in a broad consultation process to develop this draft plan. We are now seeking public feedback on the specific actions proposed to enhance our understanding and identify any gaps or improvements. Your feedback will help to shape the DCS strategies and initiatives in its mental health, wellbeing and suicide prevention space over the next 4 years.
Get involved
Find out more:
- Read the detailed draft Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025-2028
- Take a look at the DCS Strategic Plan 2022 – 2026
- Promote the consultation with your networks by sending a link to this YourSAy page
Have your say by:
- Taking our survey (link below)
- Emailing a submission to with subject: Feedback - Suicide Prevention Action Plan
- Posting your written submission to: Department for Correctional Services, Attn: Strategic Policy, Projects & Partnerships, GPO Box 1747, Adelaide SA 5001
What are the next steps?
We will consider your feedback to finalise the Department for Correctional Services Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025 - 2028.
The final Action Plan will be released at the start of 2025 and will be available on this page.