Is there any known Aboriginal heritage in the Application Area?

    Whilst Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation’s (AAR’s) central archives have no records of previously identified Aboriginal heritage within the Application Area, in April 2022 a cultural heritage survey conducted by Neale Draper & Associates (ND&A) and four Kaurna representatives identified six Aboriginal objects. See map showing the Application Area in relation to the known Aboriginal heritage.

    Subsequently, the Applicant, along with ND&A, developed a draft Kaurna Cultural Heritage Management Plan (KCHMP), for managing known, as well as any discovered Aboriginal heritage, throughout the life of the project. Should the authorisations be granted to the Applicant, the KCHMP will be updated in consultation with the Kaurna Yerta Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC.

    In addition to its own proposed management measures, the Applicant has committed to following AAR’s Aboriginal Heritage Discovery Protocols and Heritage Impact Procedure in the event of a heritage discovery during Project works. A copy of AAR’s Aboriginal Heritage Discovery Protocols and AAR’s Heritage Impact Procedure are available on AAR's webpage.

    Please refer to the Consultation Information Pack for further information about Aboriginal heritage and the Applicant’s proposed Aboriginal heritage management. 

    Will there be a meeting to discuss the project?

    An Aboriginal Community consultation meeting about the application will be held from 10.00 am on Friday 12 April 2024 at the Tauondi Aboriginal College located on 1 Lipson Street, Port Adelaide SA 5015.

    A light lunch will be provided for attendees during that meeting. If you wish to attend, for catering purposes, please RSVP to AAR on (08) 7424 6674 or via 

    Submissions can be lodged until Friday 26 April 2024. For further details, please call (08) 7424 6674 or visit

    Will I be notified of the Minister’s decision?

    Traditional Owners and interested Aboriginal parties who provide feedback, a submission, or simply request AAR to notify them of the Minister’s decision during the consultation, will be notified once the Minister has decided the application. The outcome of the Minister’s decision will also be published on YourSAy.