This consultation has closed. Thank you for your interest.
Delivering Transforming Health
Following extensive consultation with the community, staff and industry organisations the Delivering Transforming Health Proposals Paper has been developed.
The paper outlines how we propose to transform our healthcare system to deliver consistent, quality care for all South Australians.
The proposals were developed with doctors, nurses and midwives and scientific and allied health professionals to achieve the principles and standards they consider essential. Responses to the Transforming Health Discussion Paper and Summit have also been considered.
This consultation has closed. Thank you for your interest.
Delivering Transforming Health
Following extensive consultation with the community, staff and industry organisations the Delivering Transforming Health Proposals Paper has been developed.
The paper outlines how we propose to transform our healthcare system to deliver consistent, quality care for all South Australians.
The proposals were developed with doctors, nurses and midwives and scientific and allied health professionals to achieve the principles and standards they consider essential. Responses to the Transforming Health Discussion Paper and Summit have also been considered.
Now it’s time for you to find out more about the proposals by: