Designing a Youth Action Plan for South Australia
Consultation has concluded
Consultation Process
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 9 July 2019 to 2 August 2019. Below is a record of the consultation process.
We are inviting young people aged 12-24 to help shape a new three-year Youth Action Plan for South Australia.
What is being decided?
We are developing a Youth Action Plan for South Australia and invite young people aged 12-24 to tell us how we can work better together to achieve the best outcomes for young South Australians on the issues that most concern them.
From previous reports, we have identified four key areasContinue reading
Consultation Process
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 9 July 2019 to 2 August 2019. Below is a record of the consultation process.
We are inviting young people aged 12-24 to help shape a new three-year Youth Action Plan for South Australia.
What is being decided?
We are developing a Youth Action Plan for South Australia and invite young people aged 12-24 to tell us how we can work better together to achieve the best outcomes for young South Australians on the issues that most concern them.
From previous reports, we have identified four key areas that are important to young people:
- Learn and Earn
- Connect and Grow
- Wellbeing and the Environment
- Fairness and Inclusion
We will use these four areas as a foundation for engaging with young people and stakeholders across the development of the Youth Action Plan.
How can your input influence the decision?
We want to hear many different voices so that the Youth Action Plan is representative of South Australia’s diversity. We want to involve young people at all stages of development – designing, delivering and reviewing – to make sure we are targeting their needs and designing actions that will make a difference.
To achieve this, we will be forming a Youth Panel to help design a three-year Youth Action Plan for South Australia with other young people, representatives from government and representatives from key non-government organisations.
How can you get involved?
We invite you to take part in the development of the Youth Plan:
- Learn more about the Youth Panel and then nominate to join before 9am on Monday 29 July 2019
- Complete the online survey and help us understand young people's priorities
- Email your thoughts to
- Join the online discussion
How will your input be used?
The input of young people at this stage will inform the design of the Youth Action Plan. At later stages, we’ll be checking in again with young people and the broader community on the draft Youth Action Plan.
What are the next steps?
Learn more about what is planned for future stages and how you can get involved in them on the background section.
The Youth Action Plan is expected to be finalised by the end of 2019 and implemented from 2020.
Closing dates:
Youth Panel Nomination, 9.00am on Monday 29 July 2019
All other feedback, 5.00pm on Friday 2 August 2019
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 9 July 2019 to 2 August 2019. Below is a record of this engagement.
This is the first of several stages in developing a Youth Action Plan for South Australia.
Young South Australians have been sharing their aspirations, passions, ideas and concerns, and we have been listening.
We have drawn from research and sector reports to establish four areas of concern for young people in South Australia:
- Learn and Earn
- Connect and Grow
- Wellbeing and the Environment
- Fairness and Inclusion
We will use these four areas as a foundation for engaging with young people and stakeholders across the development of the Youth Action Plan.
Gathering youth insights (this engagement)
Preparation for this stage has been informed by a number of recent youth consultations and research findings that collectively represent the aspirations and concerns of more than 6,000 young South Australians:
- Mission Australia's 2018 Youth Survey
- Commissioner for Children and Young People’s 2017 Listening Tour Report
- UN 2018 Youth Representative Report
- reports by the Youth Affairs Council of South Australia (YACSA) and Youth Parliament.
Although other reports were reviewed too, these were the main ones that demonstrated a range of views across many areas. As other reports emerge, for example the work of the Child Development Council, we will take them into account too.
The Department of Human Services has already used the four themes to guide discussions at a SA Youth Week event with YMCA SA Youth Parliament representatives in April 2019. This gathering affirmed the relevance of the themes to a diverse group of young people in South Australia, who provided specific ideas for action under each.
Young people aged 12-24 are now invited to complete the Youth Survey before 5.00pm on Friday 2 August 2019.
We are also inviting you to nominate to join a Youth Panel that will help design the Youth Action Plan. To nominate, you will need to complete the Panel Nomination form before 9.00am on Monday 29 July 2019.
Planned Enagements with Other Partners
As well as working with young people, we are talking to many partners to inform the Youth Action Plan.
Engaging with advocates
Key stakeholders including the Commissioner for Children and Young People, the Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People, the Guardian for Children and Young People, the Child Development Council and the Youth Affairs Council will be invited to engage in the Youth Panel process.
Establishing a cross-government Task Group
State Government representatives have been identified and invited to form a Task Group for the Youth Action Plan development. The Task Group will provide cross-government oversight during the development of the Youth Action Plan, and will work with representatives from the Youth Panel to identify deliverables and opportunities to co-design policies and programs that align with the plan's priorities.
Broader consultation and finalising the Plan
A draft Youth Action Plan will be released for broad community feedback. The Youth Action Plan is expected to be finalised by the end of 2019 and implemented from 2020.
Strong Futures: SA Youth Action Plan 2020-2022 was launched on Friday 17 April 2020 at the start of SA Youth Week.
We will facilitate ongoing engagement with young people across all stages of the Plan and will report back on the Plan’s progress annually to the Social Affairs Cabinet Committee.
The Plan is designed to be flexible and responsive to ongoing feedback and changing priorities.
The Youth Panel
The Youth Panel
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 9 July 2019 to 2 August 2019. Below is a record of this engagement.
Are you aged 12 – 24? Do you want to work together to build the best future for young people in South Australia?
If this sounds like you, nominate for our Youth Panel.
The Youth Panel will be helping to design a three-year Youth Action Plan for South Australia with other young people, representatives from government and representatives from key non-government organisations.
Together you will be:
- Working to understand how effective the current supports are for young people in SA
- Creating the framework for the Youth Action Plan (setting the vision, priorities and outcomes)
- Advising on the best way to involve young people in implementation
The Youth Panel will run on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 of August 2019 in the Adelaide CBD. You must be available to attend both days.
Youth Panel members will be eligible for a small payment to recognise their contribution. Support is available for language interpretation, accessibility or travel from regional areas outside greater Adelaide.
If you are interested in being part of the Youth Panel please register your interest by completing the Panel Nomination form.
Nominations close at 9.00am Monday 29 July 2019.
The Hon. Michelle Lensink MLC will host the Youth Panel on behalf of the South Australian Government. democracyCo will run the Youth Panel.
Got questions?
Email or call DHS Youth on 8413 8178.
Under 18?
We need parent or guardian permission. Complete the Panel nomination form and we will follow up with you.
Designing a Youth Action Plan for South Australia is currently at this stageThis consultation closed on 02 Aug 2019.
Key Dates
29 July 2019
02 August 2019
02 August 2019
10 August 2019
31 October 2019