Draft Dudley Peninsula Fire Management Plan
Consultation has concluded
What do you think of the draft fire management plan for Kangaroo Island's Dudley Peninsula?
What is being decided?
The draft Dudley Peninsula Fire Management Plan (the Plan) has been developed to guide fire management activities within the Dudley Peninsula area over the next 10 years. The plan focuses on reducing fire risk to life, property, cultural assets and the environment.
This draft Plan identifies fire management strategies for supressing and reducing bushfire risks across the peninsula, including the areas of Baudin, Cape Willoughby, Dudley, Lashmar, Lesueur, Pelican Lagoon, and Simpson Conservation Parks, along with selected Crown lands andContinue reading
What do you think of the draft fire management plan for Kangaroo Island's Dudley Peninsula?
What is being decided?
The draft Dudley Peninsula Fire Management Plan (the Plan) has been developed to guide fire management activities within the Dudley Peninsula area over the next 10 years. The plan focuses on reducing fire risk to life, property, cultural assets and the environment.
This draft Plan identifies fire management strategies for supressing and reducing bushfire risks across the peninsula, including the areas of Baudin, Cape Willoughby, Dudley, Lashmar, Lesueur, Pelican Lagoon, and Simpson Conservation Parks, along with selected Crown lands and privately held Heritage Agreements.
Protection of life and property is the key emphasis of the Plan, providing land managers with direction on how to best protect and enhance the natural and cultural heritage of the area.
The Plan identifies recommended actions to help reduce the risks of valuable assets being impacted by fire. These include carrying out appropriate on-ground works at strategic locations and improving fire management infrastructure such as fire access tracks, and water access points.
Get involved
Read the draft Dudley Peninsula Fire Management Plan and provide your feedback
- Join the online discussion
- Email DEWFireManagement@sa.gov.au
- Post your submission to:
Fire & Flood Management Unit
Department for Environment and Water
GPO Box 1047
To help us consider your submission:
- include the name of the draft management plan you are commenting on, (several management plans may be open for consultation).
- make your submission concise and clear.
- refer to the page, section number, paragraph and/or objective or strategy that you are commenting on.
- identify aspects of the draft plan that you support, or do not support and explain your reasons. If disagreeing with the content, suggest alternatives.
- if you are commenting on the accuracy of background information, provide references for your information sources.
All submissions will be publicly available to anyone who requests a copy. Please let us know if you don't want your input on the public record.
How can your input influence the decision?
Your feedback will help inform the development of the final Dudley Peninsula Fire Management Plan that will guide fire management in the area over the next 10 years.
What are the next steps?
A detailed analysis of submissions together with the proposed final plan will be forwarded to the Native Vegetation Council for approval.
The final approved management plan will then be presented to the Director, National Parks & Wildlife for adoption and a copy provided to the Parks and Wilderness Council.
The feedback summary report and plan, are expected to be finalised prior to the commencement of the 2019-20 fire danger season and both will be made publicly available.
For more information
- email: DEWFireManagement@sa.gov.au
- phone: (08) 8124 4833
Closing date Monday 3 June 2019
The draft Dudley Peninsula Fire Management Plan covers an area of approximately 394 km2 of parks and reserves located on the Dudley Peninsula, situated at the eastern end of Kangaroo Island (KI).
The reserves located on the peninsula include;
- Baudin Conservation Park (310 ha)
- Cape Willoughby Conservation Park (18 ha)
- Dudley Conservation Park (1,768 ha)
- Lashmar Conservation Park (359 ha)
- Lesueur Conservation Park (1,409 ha)
- Pelican Lagoon Conservation Park (449 ha)
- Simpson Conservation Park (977 ha)
Additionally, approximately 481 ha of Crown land owned by or under the care and control of the Minister for Environment and Water has been included, totalling an area of 5,290 ha covered by this fire management plan.
Dudley Peninsula is home to a resident population of 4,611 (ABS 2015), while more than 170,000 state, interstate and international tourists visit the peninsula each year (KI Council 2015). Seasonal visitation sees the number of residents and visitors increase dramatically during summer, over the peak fire season.
Lands adjoining the Dudley Peninsula planning area have a variety of uses including agriculture, horticulture, viticulture, apiculture, tourism, commerce and conservation. Educational facilities and public institutions are located in the nearby residential areas of Penneshaw, Sapphiretown, Brown Beach, and Island Beach.
Tourism and primary production are the two largest economical contributors for the area. The quality of the natural environment on KI is critical in supporting these two industries, which rely on a healthy environment to provide high quality tourism experiences and produce premium food and wine products. Effective land management and fire management, can make significant contributions to maintaining the sustainability of these valued industries.
Appropriate fire regimes and management will help protect the local community, its people, property, valuable cultural assets, and unique natural environment.
Draft Dudley Peninsula Fire Management Plan is currently at this stageThe consultation period closed on 03 June 2019 and is currently pending outcome.