Supporting documents

Read the supporting documents below and then get involved.

Draft Northern and Yorke Regional Landscape Plan

Sets out the vision and priorities for the region to achieve sustainable landscape management.

Provide an understanding of the natural resources, systems and drivers across the Northern and Yorke region.

Draft Business Plan for the Northern and Yorke Landscape Board (in progress)

Outlines the programs that the Board will invest in during 2021-22, to achieve its strategic areas. It includes details of income and expenditure and landscape levy information.

Coastal Management Action Plan

Provides an understanding of the resources, systems and drivers in the coastal areas of the Northern and Yorke region.

Water Affecting Activities Control Policy

Details the Board’s policies and procedures for water affecting activities.

Council Strategic Plans
(available on individual Council websites)

Details the priorities and strategies that are the focus of programs in each of the Local Government Areas.

Consultation has concluded

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