Draft SA Alcohol and Other Drug Strategy 2017 - 2021

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Consultation has concluded


This engagement has closed for comment. Thanks for your interest and stay tuned for updates.


Tell us your feedback on the draft South Australian Alcohol and Other Drug Strategy 2017-2021.

What is being decided?

The South Australian Alcohol and Other Drug Strategy 2011-2016 is due to expire on 31 December 2016. The South Australian Government has been guided by a whole-of-government strategy that outlines actions and activities needed to reduce the impact of harmful use of alcohol and other drugs since 1997. A draft South Australian Alcohol and Other Drug Strategy 2017-2021 (PDF 170KB) has been prepared for


This engagement has closed for comment. Thanks for your interest and stay tuned for updates.


Tell us your feedback on the draft South Australian Alcohol and Other Drug Strategy 2017-2021.

What is being decided?

The South Australian Alcohol and Other Drug Strategy 2011-2016 is due to expire on 31 December 2016. The South Australian Government has been guided by a whole-of-government strategy that outlines actions and activities needed to reduce the impact of harmful use of alcohol and other drugs since 1997. A draft South Australian Alcohol and Other Drug Strategy 2017-2021 (PDF 170KB) has been prepared for consultation.

This draft Strategy aims to reduce the harms caused by alcohol and other drug problems to the South Australian community, through five objectives:

  1. Reduce alcohol-related harm.
  2. Reduce the impact of alcohol and other drug problems on children, young people and families.
  3. Reduce the harms associated with the use of illicit drugs and hazardous and harmful use of pharmaceuticals drugs.
  4. Reduce the harms of alcohol and other drug problems to Aboriginal people.
  5. Improve access to evidence that informs practice.

How can your input influence the decision?

Alcohol and other drug problems have health, social and financial impacts on the South Australian community. Meaningful engagement with the community is essential to ensure the Strategy meets the diverse needs of all South Australians. Your input will help shape alcohol and other drug policy development, implementation and service delivery.

Development of the draft Strategy was led by South Australia Police and SA Health, and outlines a whole-of-government approach. Since April 2016, SA Health and South Australia Police have consulted with key stakeholders to inform strategies and issues for consideration in the Strategy. Consultation has included an online survey seeking views on the current Strategy and areas to be covered in the new Strategy, and a planning day with approximately 70 attendees from industries including non-government service providers, professional bodies, peak organisations and community members to determine priorities and actions for the new Strategy.

An intergovernmental steering group, co-convened by SA Health and South Australia Police has been established to coordinate development of the new Strategy. Senior officers from SA Health, South Australia Police, Attorney General’s Department, Department for Communities and Social Inclusion, Department for Education and Child Development, Department for Correctional Services and Department of State Development – Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation participated in the steering group.

The draft Strategy describes actions for achieving South Australia’s Strategic Plan Target 81: Reduce the proportion of South Australians who drink at risky levels by 30% by 2020 and South Australia’s implementation of the National Drug Strategy. It also outlines:

  • the Government’s aim and objectives to reduce the impact of alcohol and other drug use on the community
  • evidence-based actions, activities and strategies
  • measurable key performance indicators.

You can now get involved by downloading the draft Strategy, and sending in your feedback in a submission to healthdassapolicy@sa.gov.au or by joining the online discussion.

Please provide comments and submissions before 29 September, 2016.

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