Snapshot: Priority Areas and Strong Future Projects

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 16 March to 13 April 2020. Below is a record of the engagement.

Download the Snapshot: Priority Areas and Strong Future Projects on a PDF printable version.

Below is a snapshot of the draft Strong Futures SA Youth Action Plan, including both the priority areas and the proposed Strong Futures Projects.

The Department of Human Services will lead the co-design of specific projects with other government agencies under each focus area. Projects and outcomes will be reviewed annually which allows for projects to adapt and evolve as the plan is implemented.

Priority Area 1

Earn and Learn - Young South Australians are ready for work and life

Young South Australians have the necessary life skills and supports to complete school and transition confidently to further education and training or to meaningful employment. They can successfully build vocational pathways that reflect the changing world of work. They are financially resilient and confident in their future.

Strong Futures Project 1: Build the foundation skills and participation of young people not in full-time work and or/study

Lead Agency: Department of Human Services and Department for Innovation and Skills

Priority Area 2

Fair and Inclusive - Young South Australians are included and reach their potential

Young South Australians feel confident to explore their personal potential and to access opportunities and supports regardless of race, age, gender identity, location or ability.

Strong Futures Project 2: Grow opportunities for young people to engage in intercultural understanding and respect for the histories, cultures and languages of Aboriginal communities

Lead Agency: Department of Human Services, Department for Education and Department of the Premier and Cabinet (Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation)

Strong Futures Project 2: Grow opportunities for young people to engage in intercultural understanding and respect for the histories, cultures and languages of Aboriginal communities

Lead Agency: Department of Human Services, Department for Education and Department of the Premier and Cabinet (Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation)

Strong Futures Project 3: Develop practical actions that support social and economic outcomes for young people in regional South Australia

For example, projects informed by regional young people and stakeholders that fit in the context of their regional communities

Lead Agency: Department of Human Services

Strong Futures Project 4: Invest in the capacity of youth services to deliver high-quality services to young people.

For example, training opportunities for service providers such as trauma-responsive practices

Lead Agency: Department of Human Services and Department for Health and Wellbeing

Priority Area 3

Wellbeing and Environment - Young South Australians are safe, healthy and resilient

Young South Australians are safe, healthy and resilient. They have a strong sense of culture and identity. They have confidence and agency in the future of South Australia and the planet.

Strong Futures Project 5: Invest in prevention approaches that tackle the key issues affecting young people’s wellbeing

Focus areas include:

  • address the drivers of violence against women
  • reduce problem gambling harm and improve financial literacy
  • promote help-seeking and reduce stigma
  • support positive mental, social and physical health
  • promote social inclusion and improve suicide prevention

Lead Agency: Department of Human Services and Department for Health and Wellbeing

Strong Futures Project 6: Invest in providing the right information to young people, through the right means, at the right time

For example, work with young people to review current government service information

Lead Agency: Department of Human Services

Priority Area 4

Connect and Grow – Young South Australians are engaged and have influence

Young South Australians have strong social and family connections. They are engaged in their communities and with the broader issues of society. They are able to easily and confidently interact with the services and systems they need to live active and engaged lives.

Strong Futures Project 7: Provide young people with opportunities to influence decision making in their lives and communities

For example, youth representation on climate change initiatives

Lead Agency: Department of Human Services and Department for Environment and Water

Consultation has concluded

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