Draft Strategy Summary

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 18 June to 28 August 2020. Below is a record of the engagement.

Below is a summary of the targets, priorities for action and the framework and key guiding principles for Draft South Australia's Waste Strategy 2020-2025, including page numbers that correspond to the draft strategy.

Proposed waste strategy targets 2020-2025

A target of zero avoidable waste to landfill by 2030 is proposed to guide action during and beyond the lifespan of the 2020‑2025 Strategy. Page 46

We are looking to a 5% reduction Per capita waste generation on a 2020 baseline.

Overall 2025 Targets by Waste Sector

These targets refer to the diversion of waste away from landfill into resource recovery, recycling or reuse. The diversion ultimately means away from disposal to landfill. Page 47


Municipal solid waste

75% diversion

Commercial and industrial

90% diversion

Construction and demolition

95% diversion

Non-metropolitan (all waste sectors):

Maximise diversion to the extent practically and economically achievable

Priorities for action

Areas with the potential for greatest impact

1. Transitioning to a circular economy - Page 52
2. Market development - Page 56
3. Infrastructure capability and capacity - Page 58
4. Food waste - Page 60
5. Plastics and packaging - Page 63

Framework and key guiding principles

Page 41-43

  • United Nations Sustainable development goals
  • Australian National Waste Policy
  • Circular economy
  • The waste management hierarchy
  • Ecologically sustainable development

Download a PDF version of the summary

Consultation has concluded

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