State Bushfire Management Plan 2021-2025 - Approved
The Plan has been developed by the State Bushfire Coordination Committee to guide the key priorities for bushfire management in South Australia over the coming four years. The draft Plan was open for public consultation from 22nd March to 5th May 2021.
The final Plan has been approved by the Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services, having been endorsed by the Chief Officers of the SACFS and the SAMFS and the SBCC, in accordance with the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 (SA).
The full Plan document and a summary of the Plan are available for download.
The SBCC will now proceed to develop an implementation plan for the key actions to be overseen by the Committee, and further information on these processes will be provided in due course.
Submissions Received during public consultation:
A total of 22 submissions were received from the following agencies and organisations, and 4 from individuals:
Agencies and Organisations:
Adelaide Hills Council | Attorney General's Department - Planning & Land Use Services | City of Tea Tree Gully |
Conservation Council of South Australia | Department for Environment and Water | Department for Education |
Department for Health and Wellbeing (late submission) | Department of Primary Industries and Regions | Department of the Premier and Cabinet |
Green Triangle Fire Alliance | Heritage and Native Vegetation - Department for Environment and Water | Institute of Foresters of Australia and Australian Forest Growers |
KI Plantation Timbers | Livestock SA | Local Government Association of South Australia |
OneFortyOne Plantations | SA Power Networks | SA State Emergency Service |
SA Wine Industry Association | Murrayland & Riverland Landscape Board | Nature Conservation Society of South Australia |
Naracoorte Lucindale Council |
Mr Chris Darling | Dr Naomi Rea |
Mr Tim Kelly | Yuna Julia |
12 discussion posts from 7 individuals were made on the YourSAy site, and 31 responses were received to an online survey also made available through the YourSAy site. It is noted that the survey questions and responses were focused on implementation actions rather than on the plan itself. Both the discussion posts and survey responses will be retained for further consideration during the implementation phase of the Plan document.
Major amendments made:
In summary, the major amendments made to the final draft were (this is not a complete list):
- Inclusion of additional SBCC Action 2.2 to review the structure and composition of the SBCC and BMCs, including but not limited to: addressing the relationship with the Fire Prevention Strategic Alliance and Heads of Agencies group, and considering representation of Indigenous Australians and the forestry industry;
- Inclusion of an additional SBCC Action 2.5 regarding identification of data gaps and improving data utilisation to support bushfire risk assessments;
- Clarification of environmental approvals processes as including regulation, policy and impact assessment processes;
- Clarification that the BMAP Handbook review will incorporate the zone standard and risk assessment process for environmental assets;
- Updating of all references to the planning and development assessment framework in relation to the operation of the Planning Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 (SA);
- Inclusion of a number of additional coordination actions, including: farm fire unit integration, environmental impact assessment as part of damage assessment, cross-border coordination arrangements.
Many comments received were relevant to:
- the implementation of bushfire management area plans, or implementation of other SBCC actions (eg. in relation to governance, or environmental approvals processes); or
- other operational matters within SBCC member agencies.
All comments made relating to the implementation phase of actions contained in the Plan document will be retained for consideration as those actions are progressed.
All comments relating to operational matters within SBCC member agencies have been formally referred to those agencies for their review and consideration.
Committee Governance
The members of the SBCC are gazetted for a three year term. The new term of the SBCC commenced 14 November 2020.
SBCC and BMC Guidelines and Terms of Reference
2021 SBCC Meeting Dates: 19th March, 14th May, 13th August & 12th November (dates may change subject to SBCC project priorities)
SBCC Meeting Minutes*:
- State Bushfire Coordination Committee Confirmed Minutes 11 Dec 2020
- State Bushfire Coordination Committee Confirmed Minutes 19 Mar 2021
*Minutes from this term of the SBCC will be posted here as they are confirmed. To obtain copies of Minutes from the previous term of the SBCC please request through the below email.
SBCC Communiques**:
**A summary of key outcomes or information from SBCC meetings will be posted here.
For more information contact the SBCC:
The State Bushfire Coordination Committee (SBCC) is responsible for bushfire management planning in SA. The SBCC has divided the State into 9 Bushfire Management Areas. There is a sub-Committee, Bushfire Management Committee (BMC), for each area. Each BMC has prepared a Bushfire Management Area Plan (BMAP) for its area.
Bushfire Management Area Plans identify the risks and actions individuals organisations can take to reduce bushfire risk.
The 9 Bushfire Management Areas are listed below and each title links to the relevant Bushfire Management Area Plan:
- Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges
- Fleurieu
- Flinders, Mid North and Yorke Peninsula
- Kangaroo Island
- Limestone Coast
- Lower Eyre Peninsula
- Murray Mallee
- Outback
- Upper Eyre Peninsula
Note: The maps that form part of each BMAP do not show building planning zones. Please refer to Building or developing in bushfire prone areas and use the Property Location Browser.
If you have any questions about the Bushfire Management Area Plan for your area or you would like to be added to the list for future public consultations contact the Bushfire Management Planning Unit.
Consultation has concluded