Suicide Prevention Bill - questions to consider

Suicide Prevention Bill - questions to consider

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 22 December 2020 to 17 February 2021. Below is a record of the engagement.

Below is a brief description of each part of the proposed Bill and some questions to consider for providing feedback. The discussion paper provides further detail on each part of the legislation to broaden your understanding.

Consider the information on this page in conjunction with the discussion paper and think about the questions posed under each section. You don't need to answer these questions specifically in your feebdack submission, but they may assist you with providing feedback.

Your views are important to us. Get involved!


These matters are common technical requirements in legislation.

Consultation questions to consider:

1. Are these provisions reasonable and appropriate?

2. Does clause 3 - Interpretation have all the terms that should be included or are there others that should be included?

3. Is the name of the Act appropriate?


These are high level objects that aim to cover the field of work on suicide prevention and postvention in the legislation. The objects make it clear what the purpose of the Act is and how this purpose is to be achieved.

It also outlines the role of the State in this area and makes it clear that the State has this responsibility.

The proposed guidelines create a clear basis for public expectation about how certain actions will be undertaken under the Act.

Consultation questions to consider:

4. Are the objects appropriate and adequate?

5. Are there any other objects that should be considered?


This section deals with the membership of the Suicide Prevention Council. An open process inviting expressions of interest of individuals from organisations, sectors or vulnerable groups with an interest in suicide prevention and postvention is proposed.

The membership of the Suicide Prevention Council will need to reflect diverse expertise, knowledge, experience, perspectives and interests including lived experience.

The proposed term for each member of the Suicide Prevention Council is three years but a member can be appointed for a further three years after serving their first term of office.

The Bill outlines what should happen should the office of a member become vacant as well as the reasons why it may become vacant.

The proposed conditions also outline when the Minister might remove a person from office.

Consultation questions to consider:

6. Do you support the approach to nomination and appointment of members to the Suicide Prevention Council?

7. Do you support the inclusion of a Member of Parliament, the ex officio members and a Mental Health Commissioner on the Suicide Prevention Council?

8. Are the powers and functions of the Suicide Prevention Council adequate and appropriate?

9. Are there other additional functions that the Suicide Prevention Council should have?

10. Do you have any other comments or concerns about other provisions such as the procedures, conflict of interest, staff, resources and annual reporting?


This part sets out a requirement that prescribed State authorities prepare suicide prevention plans. These plans will need to take into account the State Suicide Prevention Plan. This ensures that there is a consistent, whole of government approach to suicide prevention and postvention. It also means that the State Suicide Prevention Plan must be prepared first before prescribed State authorities can commence work on their plans.

Consultation questions to consider:

11. Do you support the requirement for prescribed State authorities to prepare suicide prevention plans?

12. Which State authorities should be prescribed to prepare suicide prevention plans?

13. Are the requirements for the preparation and delivery by prescribed State authorities of suicide prevention plans adequate? Should there be other requirements?

14. Should other organisations be encouraged to develop their own suicide prevention plans voluntarily?


The measures proposed in this section provide the Minister with the power to seek a declaration, through the Governor, that specified methods or means to be controlled lethal means. Recommendations about taking action to remediate the methods or means declared to be controlled lethal means can be made and must be published.

Consultation questions to consider:

15. Do you support the Governor, on recommendation of the Minister, being able to declare specified methods or means to be controlled lethal means?

16. Do you support or have any comments on recommendations being made and publised requiring a person or body to consider remediation of means ot method declared to be a controlled lethal mean?

17. Noting the requirement for procedural fairness, do you support publication of details of compliance or non-compliance with a recommendation?


This part of the Bill will allow a report to be obtained from a State authority or such information and documents from a specified person or body required for the performance of functions under the Act. This is an enabling provision that allows the persons or bodies who have responsibilities under the Act to provide that information when it’s needed.

Consultation questions to consider:

18. Are the purposes for information sharing supported?

19. Are there any issues that need to be considered and addressed in allowing information sharing for the purposes that have been proposed in the legislation?


This part sets out how the South Australian Suicide Register is to be maintained through the Chief Executive and ensures the information required for the proper and effective management of the register can be obtained.

Consultation questions to consider:

20. Are the powers of the Chief Executive for the establishment and operation of the South Australian Suicide Register supported?

21. Are there any issues that need to be considered and addressed in allowing the Chief Executive to establish and manage the South Australian Suicide Register within the proposed Act?


This part deals with a number of specific matters including responsibilities of the Minister and persons and other bodies under the Act as well as protections from liability. The regulations allow for further specific requirements to be made under regulation.

Consultation questions to consider:

22. Are the provisions under Part 8 reasonable and appropriate? If not, what additional matters need to be considered and what needs amending?

Consultation has concluded

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