South Australia's Youth Action Plan 2024-2027 - Draft

Share your feedback on the draft Youth Action Plan 2024-2027.

What's being decided?

The South Australian Government has made a firm commitment to our young people.

The Youth Action Plan, led by the Department of Human Services and supported by the Minister for Human Services, will be delivered and implemented in South Australia. It sets the government's commitment to enhance fair and equitable access to opportunities, resources and supports for young people.

We invite you to provide your feedback on the draft Youth Action Plan 2024-2027, to support a dedicated whole-of-government approach to better meet the needs of young people.


The initial public consultation occurred in 2023, with over 880 people engaged through a YourSAy survey, workshops and written submissions. 728 of these were young people. Read the 2023 First Phase Public Consultation Report.

South Australian young people and youth stakeholders provided broad feedback across all outcome areas, with the following six key themes being the most important:

  1. Increased access to mental health support
  2. Increased connection to services and activities available in the young person’s community
  3. Increased access to sport and recreation activities
  4. Increased support with post-school pathways, including the teaching of ‘life skills’ and ‘how to adult’
  5. Improved access to housing and rental accommodation
  6. Inclusion of young people in decision making

The Youth Action Plan Steering Committee was created to support the development of actions, in response to the thoughts and ideas from young people and youth stakeholders in the initial public consultation. The Youth Action Plan Steering Committee had representation from Government agencies who have remit on focus areas identified for action through the consultation, as well as young people, local government and youth services sector representatives, to ensure a state-wide response.

The State Government completed a second phase consultation through July and September 2024 to test 33 draft actions with young people. The second phase consultation sought feedback from young people on what actions were most important to them, how the actions could be best implemented, and if there were significant gaps in the plan. Read the 2024 Second Phase Consultation Report.

Based on feedback provided by young people during the second phase consultation, the Youth Action Plan Steering Committee amended and merged existing actions, and added two additional actions, bringing the total number of draft actions to 27.

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What are the next steps?

We will consider your feedback to finalise the draft Youth Action Plan 2024-2027.

The final Plan will be released following the implementation of feedback and will be available on this page.

Share your feedback on the draft Youth Action Plan 2024-2027.

What's being decided?

The South Australian Government has made a firm commitment to our young people.

The Youth Action Plan, led by the Department of Human Services and supported by the Minister for Human Services, will be delivered and implemented in South Australia. It sets the government's commitment to enhance fair and equitable access to opportunities, resources and supports for young people.

We invite you to provide your feedback on the draft Youth Action Plan 2024-2027, to support a dedicated whole-of-government approach to better meet the needs of young people.


The initial public consultation occurred in 2023, with over 880 people engaged through a YourSAy survey, workshops and written submissions. 728 of these were young people. Read the 2023 First Phase Public Consultation Report.

South Australian young people and youth stakeholders provided broad feedback across all outcome areas, with the following six key themes being the most important:

  1. Increased access to mental health support
  2. Increased connection to services and activities available in the young person’s community
  3. Increased access to sport and recreation activities
  4. Increased support with post-school pathways, including the teaching of ‘life skills’ and ‘how to adult’
  5. Improved access to housing and rental accommodation
  6. Inclusion of young people in decision making

The Youth Action Plan Steering Committee was created to support the development of actions, in response to the thoughts and ideas from young people and youth stakeholders in the initial public consultation. The Youth Action Plan Steering Committee had representation from Government agencies who have remit on focus areas identified for action through the consultation, as well as young people, local government and youth services sector representatives, to ensure a state-wide response.

The State Government completed a second phase consultation through July and September 2024 to test 33 draft actions with young people. The second phase consultation sought feedback from young people on what actions were most important to them, how the actions could be best implemented, and if there were significant gaps in the plan. Read the 2024 Second Phase Consultation Report.

Based on feedback provided by young people during the second phase consultation, the Youth Action Plan Steering Committee amended and merged existing actions, and added two additional actions, bringing the total number of draft actions to 27.

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What are the next steps?

We will consider your feedback to finalise the draft Youth Action Plan 2024-2027.

The final Plan will be released following the implementation of feedback and will be available on this page.

Page last updated: 21 Jan 2025, 02:30 PM