What is the purpose of the Bill

    The Children and Young People (Safety and Support) Bill 2024 provides a child-centred legislative framework to protect South Australian children and young people from harm and provide for children and young people in care and leaving care.

    Why is the legislation changing?

    The recent review of the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 heard a range of options and opportunities to improve the child protection legislation and support better outcomes for children and young people in South Australia. The government has also committed to progress legislative reform to address the overrepresentation of Aboriginal children and young people in care.

    How is the Child and Young People (Safety and Support) Bill 2024 different to the CYPS Act?

    The Draft Bill retains key elements of the CYPS Act that we understand are working well. It also features important changes to better meet the needs of children, young people, families and carers, with specific provisions made for Aboriginal people. You can read the Summary of Key Changes document for a high-level overview of the changes.

    Who can provide input?

    The State Government is committed to meaningful engagement, ensuring approaches to legislative change are conducted in a considered way and in close consultation with key stakeholders.

    We are seeking responses to the survey questions from a wide range of stakeholders including children and young people, carers, Aboriginal stakeholders, advocacy bodies, service providers and workforce, government partners and academics, among others.

    What will the feedback be used for?

    Following the engagement period, survey responses will be carefully considered to inform whether any further amendments need to be made before introducing to Parliament.