Education and Children's Services Bill 2016
Consultation has concluded
This engagement has now concluded
Updates and outcomes |
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Provide your feedback on new legislation which will replace both the Education Act 1972 and the Children's Services Act 1985.
Drafting of new legislation to replace the Education Act 1972 and the Children’s Services Act 1985 follows the government’s introduction of an independent regulator for schools and early childhood services such as preschool and long day care facilities, and a focus on improving the SACE to promote students’ general capabilities, innovation and entrepreneurship.
The proposed draft Bill is the biggest single legislative change to the education systemContinue reading
This engagement has now concluded
Updates and outcomes | What you said |
Provide your feedback on new legislation which will replace both the Education Act 1972 and the Children's Services Act 1985.
Drafting of new legislation to replace the Education Act 1972 and the Children’s Services Act 1985 follows the government’s introduction of an independent regulator for schools and early childhood services such as preschool and long day care facilities, and a focus on improving the SACE to promote students’ general capabilities, innovation and entrepreneurship.
The proposed draft Bill is the biggest single legislative change to the education system in more than 40 years.
What is being decided?
A draft of the Education and Children’s Services Bill 2016 has been released for public comment. This will entrench a single Act of Parliament that will underpin our public education and care system here in South Australia.
The draft Bill updates and refines existing general administrative and employment requirements to make sure our schools are safe and nurturing environments and provide students with the support and services that they need.
Attendance is a key feature of the proposed Bill, which aims to strengthen provisions for compulsory enrolment and attendance at school, supported by new family conferences and stronger penalties for truancy. There are a number of other significant changes in the Bill to improve student and staff safety, modernise employment arrangements and improve information sharing between schools. Streamlined allied health and broader student support will ensure children and young people get the local services they need.
We are asking your views on the Bill. To find out more about the changes, download and read the information sheets outlining the key features of the draft legislation.
- School and pre-school leaders PDF 210KB
- Non-government schools PDF 209KB
- Parents and carers PDF 236KB
- Teachers, early childhood workers and support staff PDF 212KB
How can your input influence the decision?
Your feedback will be taken into consideration in the drafting of the final Bill, which will be publically available when introduced into Parliament in the autumn 2017 session.
Provide your feedback by:
- Posting in the online discussion forum
- Emailing your submission to
- Mailing your submission to:
Ms Joanna Blake
Manager, Legislation Reform
Legal Services Directorate
Department for Education and Child Development
GPO Box 1152
Feedback will be accepted until 5.00 pm Friday 10 March 2017.
What will happen with my feedback?
A report will be published within 90 days of the close of consultation. Additional updates will be provided regarding the legislation’s passage through Parliament, and development of the new regulations.
Education and Children’s Services Bill 2017: Engagement Summary Report and Introduction into Parliament
Commencing on 19 December 2016 until 10 March 2017, the Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) undertook public consultation on an exposure draft of the Education and Children’s Servies Bill.
Feedback on the Bill was initially invited on the DECD website, and from 16 January, the State Government’s YourSAy website was also used as a platform to engage the public.
Together with the draft Bill, four factsheets were available which provided information for stakeholders to assist in understanding the content and impact of the Bill.
A total of 45 responses were received from organisations and individuals by email and via discussion posts on the YourSAy website. Your input and advice on the provisions of the exposure draft are acknowledged and appreciated.
You can now read the Engagement Summary Report here:
- Download the PDF report (PDF 815KB)
- Download the Word DOC report (DOC 125KB)
Your participation in this process has provided important feedback to inform the finalisation of the Bill, which was introduced into Parliament on 9 August 2017. You can find the Bill here and track its progress in Parliament here.
Following the Bill’s passage through Parliament, there will be further opportunities for public engagement as Regulations are developed, which will be necessary to operationalise the new legislation.
Education and Children's Services Bill 2016 is currently at this stageThis consultation closed on 10 March 2017.
Education and Children's Services Bill 2016
Education Act reform-Information sheet for school and preschool leaders
Education Act reform-Information sheet for non-government schools
Education Act reform-Information sheet for parents and carers
Education Act reform-Information sheet for teachers, early childhood workers and support staff
YourSAy Consultation Report – Consultation Draft of the Education and Children’s Services Bill 2016 (815 KB) (pdf)