An important part of developing the Air Quality Policy has been to undertake a comprehensive public consultation and targeted engagement process including publishing the draft policy and explanatory report in the metropolitan and regional press, referring it to prescribed bodies and relevant public authorities, inviting interested persons to make written submissions and holding public meetings on the draft policy at eight locations across South Australia over a period of three months. The EPA also met with a number of organisations individually on specific provisions in the policy. Information was also made available through the State Government Gazette, Local Government Association Circular, EPA website and SA Government’s online consultation hub YourSAy.
Fifty seven (57) submissions were received from local government, individuals, NGOs, government agencies, business and industry. Submissions were generally in favour of the proposals in the draft policy, with a number of submissions raising issues about provisions relating to regulation of stack emissions and burning in the open. These have been addressed in the final version of the Policy.
As a result of these revisions, the EPA undertook additional, targeted engagement with stakeholders who provided submissions on the revised provisions. This was to ensure that changes to the policy addressed feedback received during the initial consultation. The additional consultation was undertaken from 30 March 2016 to 29 April 2016 and led to further improvements to the policy.
The EPA’s comprehensive consultation process has resulted in valuable suggestions to improve the operation and scope of the Policy, and to improve the protection of South Australia’s air quality.
The Public Consultation Report (PDF, 1MB) provides a summary of submissions received on the Policy and the EPA’s response. A summary of revisions to the Policy as a result of submissions are included in Section 6 of the report.
Should you wish to discuss the Public Consultation Report or have any other questions regarding the Air Quality EPP, please contact Maria Zotti, Principal Policy Officer, Legislation and Policy Reform, 8204 9387, maria.zotti@sa.gov.au.
Consultation has concluded