Eyre Peninsula Draft Regional NRM Plan 2017-2026

Consultation has concluded


This engagement has concluded

Updates and outcomes
What you said

Have your say on the Draft Regional NRM Plan for 2017-2026, which sets out the Eyre Peninsula NRM Board’s priorities for achieving natural resources management outcomes for the next ten years.

What is being decided?

The Draft Regional NRM Plan is comprised of two significant documents including:

  • The Strategic Plan (PDF 9.5MB), which captures community values about each of the five sub-regions, sets the vision, goals and strategies required for the next 10 years, and enables essential water, land and pest policies to be developed.
  • The Business Plan (PDF


This engagement has concluded

Updates and outcomes
What you said

Have your say on the Draft Regional NRM Plan for 2017-2026, which sets out the Eyre Peninsula NRM Board’s priorities for achieving natural resources management outcomes for the next ten years.

What is being decided?

The Draft Regional NRM Plan is comprised of two significant documents including:

  • The Strategic Plan (PDF 9.5MB), which captures community values about each of the five sub-regions, sets the vision, goals and strategies required for the next 10 years, and enables essential water, land and pest policies to be developed.
  • The Business Plan (PDF 2.7MB), which looks back and celebrates the achievements of the past year, and forward, providing a road map of programs and sub-programs to be delivered over the next three years to achieve the strategic priorities.

In the preparation of the draft Regional NRM Plan for Eyre Peninsula, the Board was guided by the important connections between landscapes, livelihoods and lifestyles across the region.

Developing this understanding helped to identify the factors that make our region resilient, or in some cases vulnerable, to change.

Extensive community engagement has been undertaken over the past two years to define these systems, whilst also identifying the challenges facing the region and importantly, the opportunities to address these challenges.

This consultation is about road-testing what we have heard and tried to capture in the plan, with the community for one last time prior to finalising the document.

How can your input influence the decision?

The Board is seeking your feedback on the Draft Regional NRM Plan, which is comprised of a Strategic Plan and Business Plan. Your input, as well as input from others will assist the Board in determining whether the plan reflects the values and needs of the community.

Consultation closes on Tuesday 7 February 2017. All feedback will be considered by the Eyre Peninsula NRM Board in finalising the draft Regional NRM Plan at its next meeting.

Have your say and submit your feedback by:

Completing the survey, joining the discussion, sending in a submission to dewnr.nrepadmin@sa.gov.au or:

Presiding Member
Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board
P O Box 22

How will your input be used?

A Consultation Report will be prepared for the Minister, summarising the efforts made to consult on the draft Regional NRM Plan; consolidating a summary of all feedback received and the Board’s response.

The Draft Regional NRM Plan, with any amendments made as a result of feedback and the Consultation Report will be forwarded to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation for consideration and adoption by June 2017.

Personalised feedback letters will be sent to everyone that submits a formal response, which will detail the comments raised, the response to those comments and whether any changes were made to the Draft Regional NRM Plan as a result of those comments. A media release will also be issued advising what amendments have been made, and will be available on the Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula website.

Want to know more?

Contact us via:


The Regional Natural Resources Management (NRM) Plan sets the direction for NRM for the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Region (the Region) over the next ten years. It has been prepared on behalf the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board (the Board) and under the requirements of Section 75 of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 (NRM Act). The Regional NRM Plan has been specifically designed as a collective plan for the Eyre Peninsula’s organisations, businesses, industries, community groups, landholders and individuals. This is because NRM is a shared responsibility, and all these groups and people are all critical to the success of NRM.

Natural resources include soils; water resources; geological features and landscapes; native vegetation, native animals and other native organisms; and ecosystems. The plan aims to ensure we all continue to benefit from our natural resources and the services they provide such as food, water, fibre and much more. Careful and ongoing management of our natural resources is required as our industries and communities’ wellbeing are all dependent upon the condition of our natural resources and ecosystems. There is a need to balance use and conservation to ensure mutual benefits to people and the environment over the long term.

The involvement of the Region’s community has and will continue to be central to implementing NRM. The community’s contribution to NRM is broad and diverse, and it includes on-ground action; information sharing through community networks; working in partnership with the Board to develop and deliver projects; and participation in decision making such as the preparation of this Plan. By continuing to work together we can manage our natural resources for the benefit of current and future generations.

Consultation has concluded
  • Update

    Consultation closed, and now working to finalise the plan

    Thank you for checking in on the progress of the draft Eyre Peninsula NRM Plan 2017-2026.

    Consultation closed at 5 pm on Tuesday 7 February 2017. The Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board is now considering the feedback and making any necessary amendments. A Consultation Report is also being prepared summarising the consultation activities, feedback received, and the Board’s response.


  • Update

    Eyre Peninsula NRM Plan 2017-2027 finalised

    After three years extensive engagement with the Eyre Peninsula community, the regional Natural Resources Management (NRM) plan was endorsed by the Environment Minister on 1 May 2017.

    The regional NRM plan comprises of two documents, the strategic plan and the business plan. The strategic plan sets the direction for businesses, organisations, communities and landholders to work together for NRM outcomes during the next decade, while the business plan outlines three years of investment in the Board’s programs and projects.