We are seeking the community’s input on proposed changes to the way overdue fines and expiation fees can be enforced and recovered in South Australia.
What is being decided?
The role of the Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit (Fines Unit) is to manage and collect overdue fines and overdue expiation fees issued by a number of authorities across the state, including courts, SA Police and local councils.
A Bill has been introduced into Parliament that includes a number of proposed changes including:
refining legislation to address operational difficulties for the Fines Unit
We are seeking the community’s input on proposed changes to the way overdue fines and expiation fees can be enforced and recovered in South Australia.
What is being decided?
The role of the Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit (Fines Unit) is to manage and collect overdue fines and overdue expiation fees issued by a number of authorities across the state, including courts, SA Police and local councils.
A Bill has been introduced into Parliament that includes a number of proposed changes including:
refining legislation to address operational difficulties for the Fines Unit
providing more options for vulnerable groups to address their overdue debts
making recovery of overdue fines more efficient and equitable
enabling the Fines Unit to recover government civil debt.
A fact sheet(PDF 335KB) has been prepared to provide a general overview of the proposed changes.
How can your input influence the decision?
This survey has been developed for the community to have their say on the proposed changes that will affect South Australians.
We are also talking to key stakeholders and are encouraging them to provide their feedback through email or writing about how the proposed changes may affect them and their clients.
All feedback received will be considered when finalising the amendments proposed in the Bill.
Get involved
You can tell us what you think about the Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery Bill 2017 by: