Flagstaff Road Upgrade project

Consultation has concluded

Consultation Process

Now closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 11 December 2019 to 7 January 2020. Below is a record of the consultation.

We are seeking your feedback on the Flagstaff Road Upgrade project. 

What’s being decided?

We are in the planning and design stage of our Flagstaff Road Upgrade project and we are seeking your views to help inform the development of the preferred design concept.

For 800 metres of its overall length between Hyland Avenue and Bonneyview Road, the road consists of only three lanes. Flow on the centre lane is reversed daily to cope

Consultation Process

Now closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 11 December 2019 to 7 January 2020. Below is a record of the consultation.

We are seeking your feedback on the Flagstaff Road Upgrade project. 

What’s being decided?

We are in the planning and design stage of our Flagstaff Road Upgrade project and we are seeking your views to help inform the development of the preferred design concept.

For 800 metres of its overall length between Hyland Avenue and Bonneyview Road, the road consists of only three lanes. Flow on the centre lane is reversed daily to cope with peak-hour traffic in the mornings and evenings. This is a potential cause of confusion for motorists travelling during these periods and remains a safety concern.

An additional lane will be installed as a permanent two-way dual carriageway. This map highlights the scope of works and location of the Flagstaff Road Upgrade project.

Once complete, it is expected that the upgrade will:

  • Reduce traffic congestion
  • Reduce confusion
  • Improve efficiency and safety for motorists travelling on Flagstaff Road
  • Provide room to overtake slow-moving traffic
  • Allow emergency vehicles to proceed without being held up by other traffic

Community and stakeholder engagement is an important part of the planning process and as planning progresses consultation with residents, land owners and business owners will occur to help inform and develop the preferred concept and design.

Get involved

To have your say:

  • Complete the Registration, Feedback and Suggestions form to receive updates on the project
  • Join the online discussion
  • Email your feedback to dpti.communityrelations@sa.gov.au
  • Attend one of our community information sessions

Please note that submissions will not be responded to between COB Tuesday 24 December 2019 and 9am Monday 6 January 2020.

How can your input influence the project?

All feedback and concerns will be considered as the project team continues through the design process to identify a preferred solution that balances the needs of the project’s various stakeholders.

What are the next steps?

Further consultation will occur throughout the planning and design phase, which will conclude in 2020.

Contact details

For more information:

Closing date: 5pm, Tuesday 7 January 2020

Image By YellowMonkey - Photo by YellowMonkey, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10772496


Now closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 11 December 2019 to 7 January 2020. 

The South Australian Government has announced $32.9 million in funding for the upgrade of Flagstaff Road, between Hyland Avenue and Bonneyview Road, by installing a fourth lane to make it a permanent two-way dual carriageway.

Flagstaff Road is a major arterial road used by more than 25,000 motorists every day to commute to other parts of the city. For 800 metres of its overall 3.3 kilometre length between Hyland Avenue and Bonneyview Road, the road consists of only three lanes. Flow on the centre lane is reversed daily to cope with peak-hour traffic in the mornings and evenings. This is a potential cause of confusion for motorists travelling during these periods and remains a safety concern.

The additional lane will be installed as a permanent two-way dual carriageway to reduce traffic congestion, reduce confusion and improve efficiency and safety for motorists travelling on Flagstaff Road. It will provide room to overtake slow-moving traffic and allow emergency vehicles to proceed without being held up by other traffic.

The contract for detailed planning and design work has been awarded to Aurecon Australasia. Planning has commenced and will conclude in 2020.

To find out more about the project visit the Department of Planning and Infrastructure website.

Consultation has concluded