Flinders Mid North Yorke Bushfire Management Area Plan

Consultation has concluded


This engagement has concluded

Outcomes and updates

The Flinders Mid North Yorke Bushfire Management Committee are seeking input from the public on the draft Flinders Mid North Yorke Bushfire Management Area Plan.

What is being decided?

The draft Flinders Mid North Yorke Bushfire Management Area Plan (FMNY BMAP) has been developed through engagement with local councils, CFS volunteers and other stakeholder groups to identify assets at risk from bushfire and determine appropriate treatment works to reduce that risk. So far the plan captures approximately 1800 assets and over 2000 treatments including community engagement, property preparedness and policies and codes


This engagement has concluded

Outcomes and updates

The Flinders Mid North Yorke Bushfire Management Committee are seeking input from the public on the draft Flinders Mid North Yorke Bushfire Management Area Plan.

What is being decided?

The draft Flinders Mid North Yorke Bushfire Management Area Plan (FMNY BMAP) has been developed through engagement with local councils, CFS volunteers and other stakeholder groups to identify assets at risk from bushfire and determine appropriate treatment works to reduce that risk. So far the plan captures approximately 1800 assets and over 2000 treatments including community engagement, property preparedness and policies and codes of practice, and we're now asking the community for further input to ensure the plan is comprehensive and captures what the community values.

We want your feedback on what's contained in the Plan, such as the assets at risk from bushfire, and treatment strategies that will be implemented to manage the bushfire risk in the local area.

The FMNY BMAP comprises of three parts:

  • The draft written component outlining the planning process, content and other relevant information.
  • An interactive spatial web-based map that identifies assets and their risk levels, and includes pop up tables of information for each asset.
  • A spreadsheet containing a list of all FMNY BMAP assets, their risk rating and risk mitigation treatment strategies which you can download from the CFS website.

How can your input influence the decision?

Community input will ensure the plan is comprehensive and captures what the community values.

You can have your say by:

For more information you can visit the Bushfire Management Plans page on the CFS website.

All submissions will be provided to the BMC for their consideration and the final BMAP will be available on the CFS website. Anyone who submits a formal submission will be provided with a written response from the FMNY Bushfire Management Committee.

Want to find out more?

For more details or to tell us your feedback, you can contact us via email CFS.BushfireManagementPlanning@sa.gov.au or phone (08) 8463 4151.

Consultation has concluded
  • Updates

    Flinders Mid North Yorke BMAP - Update

    The Flinders Mid North Yorke Bushfire Management Committee (BMC) would like to thank everyone for their comments on the Flinders Mid North Yorke Bushfire Management Area Plan. All submissions will be discussed at the next meeting of the Bushfire Management Committee, following that the plan will be provided for consideration at the next meeting of the State Bushfire Co-ordination Committee.

    Relevant stakeholders are continuing to work on a risk assessment process (to be consistent across all Bushfire Management Areas) to enable the inclusion of environmental assets at risk from bushfire. This does not negate the need to consider the impact on environmental assets when implementing risk treatments in approved BMAPs.

    Any changes to multiple, significant or landscape wide assets or risk treatments may necessitate additional periods of public consultation. The CFS Bushfire Management Planning Unit is maintaining a list of persons/organisations interested in being notified should further opportunities for public consultation arise. If you would like your details added to this list please email: CFS.BushfireManagementPlanning@sa.gov.au or phone (08) 8463 4151.