Food Trucks in SA - Position Paper

Consultation has concluded


This consultation has concluded


We want to hear your feedback on the Food Trucks Position Paper (PDF, 3MB).

View the latest news release here (PDF, 106 KB).

What is being decided?

At the end of 2015, we asked for your feedback on food trucks in South Australia (visit the YourSAy engagement here). Based on your feedback and further discussions, the SA Government intends to take action to support food truck operators. The proposals fit into the following four categories:

  1. Simpler regulation
  2. More places to trade
  3. A better approach to food


This consultation has concluded


We want to hear your feedback on the Food Trucks Position Paper (PDF, 3MB).

View the latest news release here (PDF, 106 KB).

What is being decided?

At the end of 2015, we asked for your feedback on food trucks in South Australia (visit the YourSAy engagement here). Based on your feedback and further discussions, the SA Government intends to take action to support food truck operators. The proposals fit into the following four categories:

  1. Simpler regulation
  2. More places to trade
  3. A better approach to food safety inspections and food business notifications
  4. Other measures for food trucks

The aim is to create an environment where food trucks can trade across metropolitan Adelaide without unnecessary regulation, making Adelaide a great place to run an innovative food business. This will support a more vibrant Adelaide, encouraging South Australians and visitors alike to explore what Adelaide and beyond has to offer.

This initiative will help create an environment which supports innovative new ideas and the people who are enthusiastic enough to pursue them.

How can you get involved?

The Food Trucks Position Paper (PDF, 1MB) officially launched on Saturday 30 April at Bonython Park. On Sunday 1 May, South Australians also had their say at the Fork at Tasting Australia event at Victoria Square (Tarndanyangga). The feedback from this event is available here (PDF, 3MB). Thank you to those who took the time to provide their thoughts.

If you missed out, don’t worry as you can still provide your valued feedback via this site! We encourage South Australians to continue to have your say on this topic as your input will help us determine how implementation takes place. You can join the discussion or send us your feedback via

How will your input be used?

Your input will be valuable in influencing the way in which the proposals are implemented over the next 18 months.

Want to know more?

For more information you can contact the project team via or join the #foodtrucksSA conversation.

Consultation has concluded
  • Update

    Since the release of the Position Paper, the Government, in collaboration for food truck operators and local councils, has been taking action against the four categories set out in paper: simpler regulation, more places to trade, a better approach to food safety inspections and food business notifications and other measures.