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Picture of co-located housing and shared garden. Image courtesy of Dr Damian Madigan, University of South Australia.

Survey: draft Future Living Code Amendment

You are invited to share your feedback on the draft Future Living Code Amendment by completing this 5-minute survey. 

Maximum 255 characters



Which council area do you live in?

* required

What is your overall view of the draft Code Amendment?

* required

What is your interest in this draft Code Amendment?

* required

Do you think co-located housing is something that you or your family would be interested in building or buying now or in the future?


Do you think the proposed planning rules for co-located housing provide the right balance between increasing housing diversity in established residential areas and protecting heritage, streetscape character and the urban tree canopy?

* required
Retaining the original home
Providing more housing diversity, including small lot homes
Preserving the look and feel of established neighbourhoods
Preserving the urban tree canopy
Providing off-street car parking
Providing communal open space
Providing other shared facilities

Do you agree with the proposed areas where co-located housing would be allowed under the draft Future Living Code Amendment (view the map)?

* required

Do you feel co-located housing planning rules should apply more broadly than just the Established Neighbourhood Zone in these six council areas (view affected area map)?

* required

Do you feel co-located housing planning rules should apply in more council areas than these six council areas (view affected area map)?


Do you feel the key differences between co-located housing, granny flats and other similar types of housing are clear in the draft Code Amendment and other information provided?

* required