Management plan adopted

Thank you for your interest in the Parks of the Glenthorne National Park-Ityamaiitpinna Yarta Management Plan.

Consultation on the draft management plan was open from 24 September 2021 until 24 December 2021.

Following the public consultation period, a review of all submissions received was undertaken. A final management plan was prepared and presented to the Parks and Wilderness Council for their advice. The final plan was then provided to the Minister for Environment and Water for consideration.

The Parks of the Glenthorne National Park-Ityamaiitpinna Yarta Management Plan has now been adopted, and a copy of the plan is available on this webpage.

You can also look at the analysis of submissions to view the feedback received on the draft plan, and how relevant feedback has been addressed in the final plan.

Consultation has concluded. Below is a record of the engagement.

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