Goodwood, Springbank and Daws Road Intersection Upgrade

Consultation has concluded

Consultation Process

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 30 October to 29 November 2019. Below is a record of the engagement.

We are seeking your feedback on the early proposed design for the Goodwood, Springbank and Daws Road Intersection upgrade. 

Goodwood Road is one of southern Adelaide’s major north-south arterial routes, with Springbank Road and Daws Road providing a key east-west connection. On average more than 60,000 vehicles a day travel through this location, with travel time delays in peak periods. This may be further impacted upon completion of the Darlington Upgrade Project.

We will be

Consultation Process

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 30 October to 29 November 2019. Below is a record of the engagement.

We are seeking your feedback on the early proposed design for the Goodwood, Springbank and Daws Road Intersection upgrade. 

Goodwood Road is one of southern Adelaide’s major north-south arterial routes, with Springbank Road and Daws Road providing a key east-west connection. On average more than 60,000 vehicles a day travel through this location, with travel time delays in peak periods. This may be further impacted upon completion of the Darlington Upgrade Project.

We will be upgrading the intersections of Springbank, Daws and Goodwood Road to improve safety and travel times for motorists. This upgrade will involve road re-alignments creating a new four-way intersection near the current intersection of Springbank and Goodwood Roads.

Once complete, it is expected that the upgrade will:

  • Improve connectivity for vulnerable users
  • Improve transport capacity
  • Improve safety for all users

The proposed design map and treatments tab outlines the current design map as well as the proposed treatments for the four-way intersection upgrade.

Your feedback is important to us and will help inform the further development of the design.

Get involved

Community and stakeholder consultation is important for the successful delivery of this vital project. We seeking your feedback on the early proposed design for the upgrade.

Read the proposed design map and treatments tab and have your say:

How can your input influence the decision?

We will continue to liaise with the community as the preferred design is developed. All feedback and concerns will be considered as the project team continue through the design process to identify a solution that balances the needs of the project’s various stakeholders.

What are the next steps?

Once consultation on the early proposed design has finished, early works are expected to commence in the first quarter of 2020, major construction in late 2020 and project completion is expected by end of 2021.

Updates to this project will be provided in this website.

Contact details

Closing date: 5pm Friday 29 November, 2019


Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 30 October to 29 November 2019. Find out more about the consultation process. Below is a record of the engagement.

The State Government announced a new solution to remove the dogleg at the Springbank/Goodwood/Daws Roads intersection – saving motorists more time.

This upgrade will involve road re-alignments creating a new four-way intersection near the current intersection of Springbank and Goodwood Roads.

The project is expected to cost $60 million, with early works expected to commence in the first quarter of 2020. Major construction is expected to commence late 2020 with project completion expected by end of 2021.

Once complete, the upgrade will:

· Improve connectivity for vulnerable users

· Improve transport capacity

· Improve safety for all users

Consultation has concluded
  • Proposed Design Map and Treatments

    Now Closed

    This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 30 October to 29 November 2019. Find out more about the consultation process. Below is a record of the engagement.

    Current proposed design:

    Download a copy of the early proposed design map

    The current proposed treatments for the new four-way intersection are:

    • Road widening on Goodwood Road to provide three through lanes southbound and a controlled left turn into Springbank Road
    • Road widening on Goodwood Road to provide dual right turn lanes onto Daws Road
    • Road realignment on Daws Road to provide two through lanes onto Springbank Road, and a controlled left turn onto Goodwood Road (northbound)
    • Road realignment on Daws Road to provide dual right turn lanes onto Goodwood road (southbound)
    • Road realignment on Springbank Road to provide two through lanes onto Daws Road, and dual right turn lanes onto Goodwood road (northbound)
    • Road realignment on Springbank Road to provide dual controlled left turn lanes onto Goodwood Road (southbound)
    • Extension of dual right turn lanes from Goodwood Road into Springbank Road
    • Road widening on Goodwood Road to allow for an additional through lane northbound, and a controlled left turn onto Daws Road
    • Upgraded pedestrian crossings within the intersection, including new pedestrian crossing and lights
    • New and upgraded pedestrian ramps and footpaths around the intersection
    • New and upgraded traffic signals and road lighting
    • Dedicated bicycle lanes on the approaches of the intersection and through the intersection
    • New kerb and gutter where road realignment and widening is occurring
  • Updates

    Goodwood, Springbank and Daws Road Intersection Upgrade – consultation outcome

    Goodwood, Springbank and Daws Road Intersection Upgrade – consultation outcome
    The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) will be upgrading the intersection of Springbank, Daws and Goodwood roads to improve safety and travel times for motorists. Once complete, the upgrade will improve travel times, connectivity, capacity and safety for all users.

    As part of the project’s early concept design and review process, DPTI held two information sessions in October 2019, to meet members of the community and seek feedback. In addition to these sessions, the community were also invited to provide feedback via YourSAy and via the projects online feedback form. This consultation concluded in late November 2019.

    All feedback received from the community was reviewed and considered by the project team and as a result the concept design has been updated to include:
    • Left turn slip lane from Springbank Road onto Oxford Circus;
    • Left turn slip lane from Daws Road onto Springbank Secondary College car park;
    • Left turn slip lanes on Goodwood Road and Daws Road updated to remove control and improve efficiency;
    • Upgrade of the existing ‘Koala’ crossing on Daws Road to a pedestrian actuated (push button) crossing (PAC);
    • Define the border of Oxford Circus Reserve and the new road reserve on Springbank Road to retain heritage value of Colonel Light Gardens; and
    • U-turn facility on Daws Road to assist with accessing the Springbank Secondary College.

    To view the updated design plan or to read the projects frequently asked questions, please visit

    Receiving feedback from the community is important and will continue to help inform the development of the design. As the design progresses, further consideration will be given to any areas of land that remains surplus alongside the new alignment. These areas may be used as green spaces, allowing opportunity for additional vegetation to be planted in the area. The community will have further opportunity to work with the project team to investigate opportunities for these identified areas.

    Early works are expected to commence in March, and major construction expected to commence late 2020. Project completion is expected by the end of 2021, weather permitting.

    If you wish to find out more about the project or register for future updates, you can contact the project team using the following details:
    • Visit:
    • Email:
    • Telephone: 1300 794 880