Greenways Consultation Update
The project team received a wealth of information from the community through this consultation process regarding the use of the Recreational Greenways Act 2000 to preserve the alignments of the Mawson and Heysen Trail through the Bundaleer and Wirrabara forests.
In summary, the project team received 306 submissions to the YourSAy page and 44 emails, with a smaller number of letters and phone calls, through the consultation period. We thank everybody who has taken the time to provide us with their thoughts.
The overwhelming majority of feedback (around 80%) related to the preservation of public access to community recreational areas and facilities, particularly at Bundaleer. However, the consultation also provided important consideration points in relation to other factors as well, such as proposed trail/greenway alignments, designated Greenway use and impact on local business, to name a few.
The project team is now defining a program for further targeted consultation.
Make use of the ‘Stay Informed’ service on www.yoursay.sa.gov.au/greenways to be notified of further updates.
Once again, thank you for contributing to the process to date.
Consultation has concluded