Growing food, wine and agribusiness in SA
Consultation has concluded
Consultation Process
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 2 September to 25 October 2019. Below is a record of the engagement.
We want to hear what it will take to accelerate growth in our food, wine and agribusiness sectors with the goal to achieve 3% growth per annum.
What is being decided?
Growth State: our plan for prosperity is the State Government’s work plan to promote industry growth by responding to industry needs and leveraging South Australia’s competitive advantages. Key sectors with strong growth prospects have been identified as part of this plan, including the food,Continue reading
Consultation Process
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 2 September to 25 October 2019. Below is a record of the engagement.
We want to hear what it will take to accelerate growth in our food, wine and agribusiness sectors with the goal to achieve 3% growth per annum.
What is being decided?
Growth State: our plan for prosperity is the State Government’s work plan to promote industry growth by responding to industry needs and leveraging South Australia’s competitive advantages. Key sectors with strong growth prospects have been identified as part of this plan, including the food, wine and agribusiness sector.
We have worked with peak industry bodies: Primary Producers SA, Food South Australia and the South Australian Wine Industry Association to develop a Food, Wine and Agribusiness Discussion Paper. This paper sets the scene on the sector as a whole and its contribution to the South Australian economy.
The discussion paper covers food and beverage, field crops, meat and livestock, wine, seafood, horticulture and forestry sectors and the current growth statistics and measures for each industry.
How can your input influence the decision?
Your input will help shape a Food, Wine and Agribusiness Sector Plan to guide the future direction of the sector and unlock opportunities for growth and prosperity.
Get involved
Read the Food, Wine and Agribusiness Discussion Paper and provide your feedback:
- join the online discussion
- complete the online feedback form
- attend a public consultation meeting
- email your written feedback to link)
- post your written feedback to:
Primary Industries and Regions SA
Re: Food, Wine and Agribusiness Sector Plan Discussion Paper
GPO Box 1671
Adelaide SA 5001
What are the next steps?
Feedback will inform the development of an industry-owned sector plan for food, wine and agribusiness. It is expected a final plan will be released in early 2020.
For queries or more information:
- Email: link)
- Phone: (08) 8429 0651
- Visit PIRSA - Growth State(External link)
Closing date: 5pm Friday 25 October 2019.
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 2 September to 25 October 2019.
Food, wine and agribusiness is a key pillar of South Australia’s economy. It is central to our identity and will continue to drive our future economic prosperity.
The State Government has set an objective to lift the sustainable economic growth rate in the state to an average of 3% per year.
Growth State is the government’s work plan for growth – it is key to achieving economic growth and has a focus on creating more jobs, lowering costs and delivering better services.
The Growth State consists of policies, programs and projects collectively designed to lift the state’s competitiveness and attract investment, with a focus on export sectors across four broad streams of government action:
- trade and investment
- skills and innovation
- infrastructure and land
- water and the environment.
Food, wine and agribusiness is one of a nine priority sectors identified under Growth State.
Industry will work with government to establish measurable targets that will contribute to South Australia’s economic growth and identify the priority policies, programs and projects required to achieve the 3% growth target.
Consultation on the Food and Agribusiness Discussion Paper, which sets the scene on the sector as a whole and its contribution to the South Australian economy, will be carried out in three stages and is due for completion in early 2020.
Stage 1: June - July - Development of the draft Food, Wine and Agribusiness Discussion Paper
Stage 2: September - October - Consultation of the Food, Wine and Agribusiness Discussion Paper
Stage 3: Early 2020 - Implementation of the Food, Wine and Agribusiness Sector Plan.
Get involved
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 2 September to 25 October 2019.
Read the Food, Wine and Agribusiness Discussion Paper and provide your feedback:
- join the online discussion
- complete the online feedback form
- attend a public consultation meeting
- email your written feedback to link)
- post your written feedback to:
Primary Industries and Regions SA
Re: Food, Wine and Agribusiness Sector Plan Discussion Paper
GPO Box 1671
Adelaide, SA 5001
Public consultation meetings
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 2 September to 25 October 2019.
A series of public meetings are being held across the state from 16 September to 21 October.
Public meetings will be facilitated to help lead the discussion and gather input on the questions posed in the discussion paper.
Attendees should come prepared with their feedback on the questions posed in the discussion paper to make the most of the time allocated.
Public meeting dates and locations:
Monday 16 September
Orroroo Golf Club
15 West Terrace, Orroroo
Tuesday 17 September
Clare Town Hall, Barbara J Long room
229 Main North Road, Clare
Thursday 19 September
Ozone Hotel
67 Chapman Terrace, Kingscote
Yorke Peninsula Field Days
Tuesday 24 September
GPSA site
No bookings required
Port Lincoln
Monday 30 September
Port Lincoln Hotel
1 Lincoln Highway, Port Lincoln
Tuesday 1 October
Wudinna Community Club
Medley Terrace, Wudinna
Wednesday 9 October
Vine Inn Hotel-Motel
14-22 Murray St, Nuriootpa
Thursday 10 October
The Science Exchange
55 Exchange Place, Adelaide
Monday 14 October
Loxton Research Centre
1081 Bookpurnong Road, Loxton
Tuesday 15 October
Woolshed Inn
101 Woolshed Street, Bordertown
Mount Gambier
Wednesday 16 October
Mt Gambier City Hall
10 Watson Terrace, Mount Gambier
McLaren Vale
Monday 21 October
McLaren Vale & Fleurieu Visitor Centre
796 Main Road, McLaren Vale
Langhorne Creek
Monday 21 October
Oasis Gardens Function Centre
726 Langhorne Creek Road, Belvidere
Murray Bridge
Register your interest via link)
Growing food, wine and agribusiness in SA is currently at this stageThe consultation period closed on 25 October 2019 and is currently pending outcome.
Key Dates
25 October 2019