Growing SA’s health and medical industry

Consultation has concluded

Consultation Process

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 24 September to 25 October 2019. Below is a record of the consultation.

South Australia’s combined health and aged care delivery services are amongst the fastest growing and largest components of our economy. 

We want to hear from you what is required within the Health and Medical Industries sector to accelerate South Australia’s Gross State Product up to 3% per annum.

What’s being decided?

As part of the Growth State: our plan for prosperity, the South Australian Government has identified key sectors with strong growth prospects to assist

Consultation Process

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 24 September to 25 October 2019. Below is a record of the consultation.

South Australia’s combined health and aged care delivery services are amongst the fastest growing and largest components of our economy. 

We want to hear from you what is required within the Health and Medical Industries sector to accelerate South Australia’s Gross State Product up to 3% per annum.

What’s being decided?

As part of the Growth State: our plan for prosperity, the South Australian Government has identified key sectors with strong growth prospects to assist in leveraging the state’s competitive advantages and responding to industry needs. The Health and Medical Industries sector has been identified as one of them.

We have liaised with key stakeholders within industry, academia and government to develop a Health and Medical Industries Discussion Paper which outlines the sector's contribution to the South Australian economy and the initiatives that can assist in growing sub-sectors. It also seeks industry insight into six priority areas where emerging opportunities and initiatives have been identified:

  • Clinical trials
  • Education and training
  • Smart specialisation
  • Data accessibility
  • Living well
  • Enhanced collaboration

Get involved

To have your say read Health and Medical Industries Discussion Paper and provide your feedback:

  • Join the online discussion
  • email your feedback to
  • register your interest to attend to one of our workshops

How can your input influence the decision?

Your input will help shape the Health and Medical Industries sector strategy to deliver collaborative approaches to projects enabling greater, industry-led growth.

What are the next steps?

Feedback will help to inform the development of an industry-owned sector strategy for the health and medical industry. It is expected that a draft sector strategy will be released in late 2019 and a further round of stakeholder consultations will be held at that time.

Contact details

For queries or more information:

Closing date: 5pm Friday 25 October 2019


Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 24 September to 25 October 2019. Below is a record of the consultation.

The Health and Medical Industries sector is one of the newest but fastest growing sectors in South Australia and has comparative advantages that will create economic growth opportunities.

The establishment and growth of health and biomedical businesses, clinical trials and aged care will contribute to the South Australian Government’s objective of lifting the economic growth rate in the state to an average of 3% per annum.

The Growth State Plan focuses on creating more jobs, lowering costs and delivering better services. It consists of policies, programs and projects to enhance the competitiveness of the state, attracting more inward investment and growing exports across four streams:

  • Trade and investment
  • Skills and innovation
  • Infrastructure and land
  • Water and environment.

Nine priority sectors have been identified where the state has comparative advantages, including the Health and Medical Industries sector.

The Health and Medical Industries Discussion Paper has been supported by industry as part of the Health and Medical Industries Ministerial Advisory Panel, with members spanning eight sub-sectors:

  • Ageing and the care industry
  • Biotechnology
  • Clinical trials
  • Digital health
  • Medical devices
  • Medical tourism
  • Nutraceuticals and traditional medicine
  • Pharmaceuticals.

Consultation on the Health and Medical Industries Discussion Paper is open until Friday 25 October 2019.

Consultation has concluded