Growing South Australia’s Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisation Sector
Consultation has concluded
Help us understand how government can better work with your Aboriginal community-controlled organisation (ACCO) and support the development of a strong and sustainable ACCO sector.
What's happening?
We are undertaking a state-wide consultation with the Aboriginal community-controlled organisations (ACCO) sector to better understand:
- the current state and strengths of the ACCO sector;
- the ACCO sector's ambitions for future work and partnerships; and
- opportunities and challenges to the growth and sustainability of the ACCO sector.
We have engaged 100% Aboriginal owned and managed business, KSJ Consulting Service, to facilitate sector workshops across the state. We encourage all South Australian ACCOs to attend and have your say. Your feedback will:
- help us develop a comprehensive whole-of-government framework that provides high level guidance for government agencies in engaging with ACCOs, and in increasing the proportion of funding to the sector ("the Framework"); and
- shape an ACCO sector Strategic Plan that outlines the current makeup of the sector and identifies priority areas for growth and capacity development ("the ACCO sector Strategy Plan").
We have partnered with the South Australian Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations Network (SAACCON) to deliver on Priority Reform Two of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.
This is part of South Australia's implementation of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap and the Priority Reforms which focus on changing the way governments work with Aboriginal people.
Priority Reform Two is about building a strong and sustainable Aboriginal community-controlled organisation (ACCO) sector. It recognises that services delivered by ACCOs are often preferred by Aboriginal people, achieve better results, employ more Aboriginal people.
As part of this Priority Reform, we have committed to:
- build strong Aboriginal community-controlled sectors and organisations (in line with the strong sector elements in the National Agreement); and
- increase the proportion of services delivered by Aboriginal organisations.
To meet these commitments, we are undertaking a review of government policies and engaging with the Aboriginal community-controlled sector. This will help us to identify ways of sustainably increasing the amount of services delivered by the ACCO sector, in order to meet the needs of Aboriginal peoples and their communities.
Get involved
Find out more by:
- reading about Priority Reform Two, SAACCON and/or KSJ Consulting Service
- taking a look at our FAQs
- contacting KSJ Consulting Service, SAACCON or the Department of Treasury and Finance through the 'who's listening' tool
Have your say by:
- registering to attend a workshop facilitated by KSJ Consulting Service
- making an online submission
- sharing a comment on the 'guestbook' tool
- emailing a submission to
What are the next steps?
We will use your feedback to develop the Framework and ACCO sector Strategic Plan. Both documents are intended to be finalised and publicly available in late 2024.
The ACCO sector Strategic Plan is intended to be owned by the sector and SAACCON, and KSJ will continue engage with key stakeholders to ensure the ACCO sector Strategic Plan accurately reflects the views, feedback and ambitions of the sector.