Consultation update

Thank you for your interest in Strengthening consumer involvement in healthcare.

The engagement was open from the 21st of January until 19th February, 2022.

Following the CEIH Consumer Forum event in December 2021 and the YourSAy consultation, CEIH is currently working with our Regional colleagues through Local Health Networks to support feedback from regional communities.

CEIH is meeting with a number of Regional Health Advisory Committees and providing opportunities to contribute to the conversation for those who were unable to attend the face-to-face events.

CEIH has produced and distributed Kitchen Table Packs which will allow those in regional and remote areas to participate in the engagement in an appropriate setting within their community.

Once feedback from the regions has been received, CEIH will collate these responses, along with those from the YourSAy consultation and the conversations from the Consumer Forum Event.

It is anticipated CEIH will be able to distribute the findings in October 2022, available at

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

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