Consultation Outcome
From 10 July to 18 August 2023, the community was asked for their input into how the draft Burra, Moonta Mines and Mintaro Heritage Standards could be amended to strengthen and protect heritage values. This was an extensive engagement process that included local landowners, residents, various stakeholders and the broader South Australian community.
The new Heritage Standards for the Burra, Moonta Mines and Mintaro State Heritage Areas have now been released and are being used by Heritage South Australia in the Department for Environment and Water to inform decisions about development in these three State Heritage Areas.
You can view the new Heritage Standards by visiting: Burra State Heritage Area, Moonta Mines State Heritage Area and Mintaro Heritage Standard.
You can find out more about what we heard and how we responded in the Heritage Standards for the Burra, Mintaro and Moonta Mines State Heritage Areas Engagement Report.
Visit our website to find out more about State Heritage Areas or if you have any questions, contact Heritage South Australia at
Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.