Housing Strategy: Accessing social and affordable housing
Consultation has concluded
Note, this forum is now closed. Thank you for taking time to provide comment and check out what others have said. In the coming months we'll be providing updates on the progress being made with the housing strategy, stay tuned...
This forum focuses on how people can get better information about and assistance with accessing social and affordable housing.
Whether a customer presents at a non-government housing provider, a Housing SA office, rings by telephone, or accesses information on their home computer, they should get consistent and quality information about their housing options and their eligibility for various housingContinue reading
Note, this forum is now closed. Thank you for taking time to provide comment and check out what others have said. In the coming months we'll be providing updates on the progress being made with the housing strategy, stay tuned...
This forum focuses on how people can get better information about and assistance with accessing social and affordable housing.
Whether a customer presents at a non-government housing provider, a Housing SA office, rings by telephone, or accesses information on their home computer, they should get consistent and quality information about their housing options and their eligibility for various housing programs, including home purchase and rental.
A ‘no wrong door’ approach is being proposed as part of the new Housing Strategy for South Australia, along with a single register for housing options to provide customers with better information and enable them to exercise greater choice and responsibility.
Read what people are saying and join the conversation
Download the ideas (PDF, 116 KB) from participants at the workshop held on 17 October 2011 or check out the forum to see what they put up as the top priorities for reform.
Housing Strategy: Accessing social and affordable housing is currently at this stage
The consultation period closed on 17 Feb 2012 and is currently pending outcome.