Housing Strategy: Green Paper

Consultation has concluded


The housing consultation has now closed. You can view the ideas and comments provided as formal submissions here, or you can check out the comments on specific topics in our blogs below:

1. Supporting people at risk (homelessness)

2. Accessing social and affordable housing

3. Affordable rental housing and home ownership

4. Housing Strategy: Private rental.

Thank you to everyone who provided comment online or attended one of our 70 consultations across the state. Your contributions will help us shape the new Housing Strategy for South Australia.

We have summarised the feedback we've received at our policy, regional


The housing consultation has now closed. You can view the ideas and comments provided as formal submissions here, or you can check out the comments on specific topics in our blogs below:

1. Supporting people at risk (homelessness)

2. Accessing social and affordable housing

3. Affordable rental housing and home ownership

4. Housing Strategy: Private rental.

Thank you to everyone who provided comment online or attended one of our 70 consultations across the state. Your contributions will help us shape the new Housing Strategy for South Australia.

We have summarised the feedback we've received at our policy, regional and community housing workshops and posted these online, you view these here.

If you would like more information or have any further comments, please let us know by emailing housingstrategy@sa.gov.au