Is there any known Aboriginal heritage in the application area and how will this be managed?
The application area is known to contain Aboriginal remains and intersects a small part of the Murray River (Meeting of the Waters), a significant Ngarrindjeri anthropological site. See the attached map that shows the application area in relation to the known heritage.
Further, Kumarangk (Hindmarsh Island), in its entirety, is a significant Ngarrindjeri anthropological site.
If granted, the authorisations would allow the Applicant (subject to conditions) to excavate land to uncover, damage, disturb and/or interfere with Aboriginal heritage to facilitate the Project.
If the authorisations are granted, the Applicant intends to seek the assistance of a heritage consultant to respectfully relocate the heritage in consultation with Ngarrindjeri Traditional Owners. The Applicant’s heritage consultant has developed an excavation method to assist with heritage management, including the removal of the remains, during the Project, if the Minister decides to grant the authorisations.
Please refer to the Consultation Information Pack for further information about Aboriginal heritage and the Applicant’s proposed Aboriginal heritage management.
How can I get involved in the Project?
Submissions can be lodged until Friday 28 February 2025. For further details, please call (08) 7424 6674 or visit agd.sa.gov.au/heritage-applications.
Please call or write to us if you would like to talk about the application and/or provide a submission.
Will I be notified of the Minister's decision?
Traditional Owners and interested Aboriginal parties who provide feedback, a submission, or simply request AAR to notify them of the decision during the consultation, will be notified of the Minister’s decision once he makes it. The outcome of his decision will also be published on YourSAy.